Look at it this way: Each reel is spun independently of the others. In order to get all three reels to match, first you have to somehow get 2 of them to match and then spin the third one to match them. It should be obvious that if you already have 2 matches, you're better off keeping it that way.
If you have 2 that match and spin one of those 2, there are 3 possibilities:
1. You get the same card again in which case you're no better off than before and now have one less spin to work with
2. You get a card which matches the third(originally unmatched) card from your original spin in which case you now have 2 matched cards and one unmatched, just a different card than before..again, you're no better off and now have one less spin to work with.
3. You get a card which doesn't match either of the other 2 in which case you're even worse off than before..and again have one less spin to work with
In other words, you end up worse off no matter what you do. The ONLY time you should do this is if you're trying for a specific rare(and probably even the one you want was originally the third unmatched card)
If all 3 are different cards initially, then it doesn't matter which one you spin, so if one of them is a rare you want, go for that, otherwise, just pick one at random or go by how much they sell for or whatever other method you want
And of course, if all 3 are the same initially...you win