After completin Instosis some time ago to "solve" FGs, with the end of Top50 system im aimin at new shards, thus, the Arena.
Im actually farming Bronze with a pvpalike aggressive raimbow of my own, with decent success, and i had some rolls in the Gold one with a Mindgate based one.
Nevertheless, the farmin goes very slow like this. I checked the new (and nice) section about community suggested decks, but lot of em includes quite lot of those new shards, and i actually own just smthin like 1-2 of each. Plus, i didn found references reguardin each deck.
I saw instosis is indicated there as a Goldarena farmer, but id really like to find somethin different to use from it, gettin some variety from FG farmin.
So, my point is farmin new shards, and im askin to suggest me a succesfull deck for it, wich does not rely on new shards emself.
Tnx a lot in advance.