I initially thought all rares would appear in equal proportions as well, but my personal experience (which is an even smaller sample size than this) proved otherwise.
That´s true, that all rares should appear in equal proportions, but not for ~ 500 rare cards seen (as in our example) or gotten .
Experimenting with a short computer program, you normally get sth like this:
Minimum: 11; Maximum 31; Difference: 281% !
500/27 ~ 18 , that´s not enough to stop big differences. Not with 27 rares. You are underestimating the number of needed tries. The phenomenon is a mathematical one and NOT one of the chosen RNG.
Doing such an experiment with 1.000.000 tries, you get much better results, 1000000/27~37037:
Minimum: 36733
Maximum: 37349
Difference: ~1,68 %
You also see this phenomenon, when you collect stickers,cards, or nymphs - you often get many copies of some stickers, cards, nymphs and need many tries to get your last one.