@zombie0 - this deck is good at eating opponents creatures, but has no pc/healing/any significant defense... Scarabs' firepower is miserable and leaves plenty of time, even to purely creature decks, to kick your ass... 1-14 in my tests, gave up after that.
never been 1-14 with it, lemme grab some stats to see how it does right now

edit 14 game sample 6-8
loss - no SoR, fire fatties
loss - last turn fog shield. card never works like that for me...
win - mono darkness. first pest missed the purple quantum, smooth sailing
loss - discord black hole spam. brilliant mechanics, really
win - 1 point deck
loss - oty charger from Tampon. poor luck, beaten it several times before
loss - darkness. didnt get opening pillar, or till turn 8. pointless and stupid loss
win - steel golem/shreiker/eq. heavy armor = hero
win - eternity timebow that never played the eternity
loss - lobo dim shield. lame deck (lobo goes after pharaoh every time)
win - some timebow that played one EQ and one pillar. EM win =\
win - pharoah w/ hourglasses, no SoR? killed an evil gravity shield

loss - 4 hp. dusk shield is hax (seriously, whats the deal with "40/50%" shield blocking 75%+)
loss - time destroyer (cool name really) rewind and destroyers vs no supernova
so heres the deal. every deck has a weakness, and most combo ones have at least 2. this deck has massive card advantage (pharaoh + SoR) and can withstand most CC (except lobo). the heavy armors and explosions intend to splash a bit of counter to common issues (shields/high HP creatures). when all the pieces come together, the heavy armor allows the deck to pick back up a desperately needed turn vs rush.
unfortunately fire stall is non existent. there may not be a more solid counter to it imo, too bad it left town. rewind nightmare has been smarter lately too, pushing more pests to increase the pressure on quantum
in the end, a combo deck needs to SQUEEZE the living bejesus out of quantum resources to keep room for important cards. this is the combo deck weakness. if AI focused pharaoh more often, that would introduce another weakness. the goal of deckmaking is how to have enough quantum to do what you need, and enough useful cards to win to game with that quantum (while not losing)
thats what im using these days. SoR going to get nerfed (if FG farming can cause a nerf), happy to be using it while its viable