I can confirm the effectivness of this deck, it has a absolutely great win-percentage. Although it is quite simple to play it gets even better with some experience for example to decide if you try to outrush the foe, while his hand is clogged or you just want to keep at least one ghost in your hand.
It's far away from common but EMs are possible. I tried some additions to improve the EM-rate (i e 1 Liceferase + 1 Miracle) but it doesnt seem to be worth the worse draws.
I don't know if it is a little buggy, but sometimes the opponent receives only 10 instead of 13 damage. I'm not 100% sure if he maybe dropped an unupped ghost from his own deck, but I have the feeling this could be a bug.
One word about the effectivness:
I started to play this deck with only 1 upped ghost, no upped nightmare and only 2 of the 4 rewinds upped.
It took a weekend to fully upgrade the deck.