10 pages of off-topic arguments aside, let's get back to the main point. I'm just going to address the community's opinion on these topics.
Over two-thirds of voters are in favour of majofa's idea, myself included. It will bring about some creativity, while not eliminating rainbows altogether.
Almost two-thirds of voters are against Quantum Towers and Supernovas being banned. Banning cards altogether is certainly a bit extreme, and I'm somewhat uncertain on this one.
Now looking at which cards should be banned: Shard of Gratitude has the most votes, followed by the option of banning nothing. 60 healing per turn is no small thing, and as rainbows generally have heavy PC as well, Pulverizer is rendered almost useless. I am personally for banning SoGs, if not all shards.
It seems that the community wants majofa's idea implemented in some form, and the banning of SoGs should be looked into as well.