Zse's idea is quite nice (, at least in my humble oppinion =) )
It allows any starting player play with the element's he/she got (instead of picking a random forced element they might not even have)
Tho in my oppinion it should be even more expensive
Like so
0 points = Mono,
3 points = Duo,
6 points = Trio,
9 points = Quartet,
36 points = Full Rainbow.
As even a Starting player who has run trough the basics quests will have at least 500 points, so that'd be... 7 Points Enough to use even three diffrent elements. (of their choice)
But then again as the Froggy man said that might inspire mono/duo/trio Decks who totaly disregard the Oracle card just like The rainbows your trying to get rid off.
Would probaly inspire ("Lava") Rush With a dash of or totaly ignore the oracle card.
Possibly best to get a combination of two such effects (At least thats what i think =P )
Random Spin a few Elements (3 or so)
And allow for additional buy of more
Like so
6 points = +1 Element of your Choice
(Why six? -Well as i said in the upper bit, anyone running trough the Quests/Tutorial Will have at least 500 Aka 7 points so they can pick at least 1 element of which they've got cards)
12 points = +2 Element of your Choice
18 points = +3 Element of your Choice
24 points = +4 Element of your Choice
54 points = Full Rainbow. (+9 Elements)
(Aka we dont ban rainbows, but still allow them for those who can make such an epic one it doesnt even need a lot of god powers)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28283.0.html (
Ps: Maybe 6points per additional Element is the wrong number, But you get the idea =p
Will this work? Maybe looks like it has a better shot (At least in my head =P )
Probaly not, as most people will still try to get off easy.
So far my pennies, ~Angel.