Shards are definitely a problem for me. I'm not exactly an advocate for banning them, but I saw a decent argument for it at the very least. It does seem that the platinum league is where players can, in a way, create their own false god decks, and it is very true that false gods do not use shards. My solution to this has just been not to play the platinum league at all. To me, this definitely says something is wrong. The only reason I can think of for playing in platinum (or gold, to a lesser extent) is to get my butt kicked. On purpose. Who would want that??
This is also coming from a not-as-new-as-his-forum-status-would-suggest-but-still-nowhere-near-the-scrooge-mcduck-level-of-wealth-that-most-people-on-here-seem-to-have-achieved player *gasp*... so I'm still trying to amass my fortune and build a "decent" deck. The issue is I can't think of any way to beat what is essentially a false god with 440hp and a possible (read:probable) 60+ regeneration. ...ok, maybe a firebolt deck with some HEAVY stall tactics. But that's it.
As far as banning anything other than shards goes, I don't think there is a problem. You can ban the more "broken" cards all you want, but there will still always be a "best" deck that people will copy. Right now I'm seeing nothing but rainbow decks or some version of tiny creature -> immolation/cremation -> phoenix/lava guardian (or 'flaming baby decks', as I call them). If you ban QT, or nova, or immolation, or any other card (possible exception for shards), someone will just build a new "best" deck out of what cards remain and then people will start wanting the core cards in there banned too. That being said; holy crap people! Show some creativity! I just played 20 games in silver league and at LEAST 10 of them were flaming baby decks that weren't even using the oracle card, with most of the remaining 10 being standard rainbows with the oracle card just thrown in.
Closing topic: Skill points
When I first started playing the arena, I thought dexterity was just a double draw. Shortly thereafter, I find out through a first hand thwomping that it is also a double DECK. As in it takes your 35-60 card deck, and doubles what's in it. Simple concept. Simple, but broken. Allowing 12 copies of every card into a single deck is ridiculously overpowered. 12 earthquakes? There go all my pillars. 12 deflagrations? There go all my permanents. 12 of any damage spell? I'm either about to lose my creatures or most of my face. 12 shards? You just took the false out of false god. That advantage is just...yeah. Bad. Evil. Nasty. Do not want. I no can has win. Etc.
My suggestion for the above issue is rather than doubling up the deck, why not just double the deck limit? One of the best features of dexterity is a huge card pool that makes it nearly impossible to deck out. Allowing a player to create their own 70-120 card deck while still using the 6 copy rule would radically diminish the problem without banning shards.
For the rest of the skills, I am of the opinion that they should all cost more. My reasoning for this is, again, the buggery I receive every time I try to play platinum. Every single deck has their skills maxed out. Everyone is the same. No strengths or weaknesses, just maxed out in all regards. If you raise skill costs, you create more room for personality in the decks that will be made. Not only will it make bronze and silver a little easier (which, by definition, they should be) but it will cause gold and platinum decks to differ in skill. Some will have high health pools, but not a ton of upgrades. Some will have huge decks and a more powerful mark but not quite so much hp. This, to me, is a much better option than just having every deck be the same kind of kick-your-face-in powerful.
Now allow me to be the first to say... tl;dr