Hi guys, I have started making a tool with Game Maker 8.0 which allows you to make Deck Images with both ETG Original cards and CIA cards.
The tool contains almost every current Armory and Forgery card, however any feedback for decent Forge Archive cards to add into the tool is welcome (those 'Malignant Cells' represent free spaces for new cards).
Furthermore, any feedback for any improvement (like better graphics, more options etc.) is extremely appreciated.
Don't forget that the version is beta, so expect a few glitches here and there.
If I recieve enough feedback from the community, I will complete the tool and I am also going to upload new content (like more CIA cards in the list) in a monthly basis.
Here is the link, I hope you have a good downloading speed, since this tool is more than 50MB!
(it's not my fault, it is just those card images which take too much Hard Drive free space)

EDIT: I have both good and bad news.
Good news: I have completed version 1 of CIA Deck Image Builder!

Bad news: You still have to downlad it and it is about 100 MB!!!!! I tried to zip it in order to reduce its size, but it wasn't reduced more than 1 MB, so I've just posted the .exe directly. I hope I will learn JavaScript soon enough to make a version which doesn't need downloading to function, but I can't promise everything. Until that day arrives, here is the new link (if you find an Armory or Forge card missing, please inform me, ok?).