Ok, I think the decks are done now then unless Sevs wants to change his a bit.
This is your general LongDono, I found a way to post without posting. Anyways good work, I have to prepare for a job tomorrow so I will not be online for a good 24 hours unless I am lucky. I have to walk home 5 miles after work.
Please triple check everything, I will update the discard/salvage thread now if it needs to be. Please do not change my current deck.
Thank you all for hard your hard work, lets hope I can have my post 1000 be the first post of the LongDono vs Higurashi thread. 
Sevs and Lifelockable I wish you sunshine and rainbows in your match, or just awesome hands.
Considering all this preparation, you better win that god damm battle!
By the way, that colour makes me blind.
Is this color better shiningsword? lol I tested vs Bonebolt and the odds are against me a little bit, if I misplay I lose for sure, but I do not believe higs will play bonebolt. I am starting to think fractal something. Pheonix? This would mean that she would have limited CC and if they played it before her first fractal my poison would be given more time. It all depends on the draws.
Now against Grav/Aether, that is something I have no idea about, could go either way but I am fairly sure I would be favored to win that match up.
SOMEONE PLEASE PUT A 3RD SHOCKWAVE INTO MY DECK. Take out fog or flying weapon, I need that 3rd shockwave!!!!!
Those matchups dont sound good, this could get really hard for you.