Gen. LongDono vs
willng3 -- We can expect them to take advantage of our biggest vulnerabilities. Then again, they might be aware that we could go mono a lot more easily now. I'd say we just throw something like the immorush at them (though I don't like the idea of upgrading the phoenixes). I have a modded immorush that I like and will post.
Gen. Napalm Grenade vs
Lt. Sevs -- Fire reliably rushes. I would be shocked to see anything else. They will also throw in some control. I'm thinking flying OE's would be great to have in a deck with air pends. Maybe a light/air deck like the one Quantuum T used on me? Not sure that fits with vault + salvaging, but I will look into it. I like phaedrus' idea of saders, that could fit in with this too.
LifeLockable vs
Gen. Kakerlake -- Nice recon, Life. Looks like the major threats they have available are EQ, RT, OE, and AM. Discord could be trouble for a mono, but they aren't likely to bring it. For that reason, I think AM is also unlikely. Wings will be good because they are earthbound, so to speak (they have very few flying creatures). Out of all those decks, they haven't used EQ much, surprisingly (only 3 EQs in all of those decks). There are about 15 cards that we didn't account for, though. Risk of RT seems to preclude the immo deck. I liked the look of the deck sevs posted. I will post one shortly with a few tweaks, will be looking forward to feedback.