Aether has BoneBolt, Devtal ( Just dumb to play against us ). Aether also has EQ's. -.-
Air/death VS aether, this only early game damage is poison, we will upgrade Arsenic and pends, or only arsenic. Depends on if me or sevs plays Aether.
Fractix against Aether sounds like a bad idea if they EQ, or go insane and Devtal. ( I highly doubt they would dare play Devtal against UW. 1 Panda = win. )
I think we will have to play Death, Darkness, or Entropy.
Due to the rules each of them will have to play Aether once. ( This is why I wont count time ) In addition I believe that unless something wierd happens we should not be able to play against fire against Either. ( Just played them )
If I remember right entropy, death and darkness all should have 2+ matches.
Guys lets try for first, but lets not settle for anything less than 2nd. *wink*
If the other teams can't win more than one game we could very well be boosted into second place next round, I am not sure though.