Lt. Sevs vs

Looks like you'll get another crack at them, Sevs. Their vault is pretty large and varied. I'm not really sure what to do here.

Gen. QuantumT vs

Gen. LongDono
Hard to know what to expect here. It looks like they'll be taking 5 cards from 3 decks that lost and we don't know which ones. They might have enough flexibility to try to counter what we did last time, so we should do something different, but I'd still use lots of air creatures. Maybe we should plan based on their last intact deck? They'll probably use black holes again, so bring sanctuaries.

Neopergoss vs

Gen. coinich
I want BBs, RTs, antimatter -- forms of CC that ignore health. They have a lot of light dragons. Will post a deck in the decks section. It's good for us to use rainbow because they have discords. It would also be good for us to kill them with poison, since they have a lot of antimatter. Arsenic, poison, and maybe even some salvaged scorpions could be used. Can fly arsenics, too.

Gen. Jen-i vs

I would think that we can probably take something similar to what was used before. Can they counter it? LifeLockable is in a good position to suggest tweaks to it since he used it before. Their deck choices will be even more limited this time.
Initial, tentative post. Looks tough to fight 3 generals in 4 matches, but time, air, and especially light's decks are there for us to see, so they should be a walk in the park. Considering the event card, we might bring 6 extra cards to some matches and plan to lose the first duel and then adjust and win the second two. Of course, they could do the same thing.