Well there were 2 titaniums were on your list of extra cards and also 2 in the earth/time deck.
So I'm assuming you wanted them all because I lobbied to have them taken out to no avail.
I built bows with the extra titanium to take on death, but they would require conversions.
Also, they aren't as good as the ent/aether duo that we have right now.
Also also, because of the mistake with the BBs I kinda need to carry 3 titaniums in my deck.
On a different topic, would you like 2 upped arsenics in your deck or 2 wings? There shouldn't be a quanta problem with un-upped wings I don't think but its your call. I'm actually thinking of upping 3 spiders, 2 arsenic and 1 mummy at the moment.
Looks good to me. We may have to run it with 11 pillars unless you and whoever it is whos job it is to convert (salvager? vault org?) are able to make the conversion happen. Long or Sevs could probably also help with that better than me.
Yup I'll make that change to your deck.
Somehow missed that part the first time I read your post.
Also, there is also chaos seed available at the moment if you want it. Or a freeze.