It is VERY likely Aether will try for EQ's again. They have shown that when they can they will give a hard counter, and thats what EQ's do. In addition they have shown that they will play the same deck over again.
Most likely deck is grabbow.
Second is Fractix, or Bonebolt.
The deck we used last round was made to counter Bonebolt, and beat Grabbow with 6 EQ's very easy. I say we be arseholes and play the same deck twice.
Also they will think that the last match used all their EQ's, looking back I know they MUST have some EQ's left. A deck like the one we played last round should work but play immos too. ( extra quanta and might allow a mark other than fire, like Light so we can play blessing and Sanc, both soft counter bonebolt. )