If I was a master I would mellow out a lot, trust me. I will change how I act, it's just hard to let things go once I get on to them. That will change, I promise.
Also pheadrus I don't really mind what you said besides the skill part. ( because everything else was true. ) I am fairly sure my in game skill is much better than almost everyone I played so far, and that is counting the master of aether too. I think outside the box unlike a lot of players, and the only misplay I ever did was not BBing my own creatures form the start vs Willng3 when me and him played and even then I might not have won. I seem to remember winning games I should not have. I made a deck with wings and bonewalls as it's only form of defense own fractix ( tough I got screwed in the end, my own fault ). I honestly don't see where you come from with the skill part of your post. Now you did say because I wanted a weak element for trails and stuff, do you know why I said that? I was not talking about it being easy to win, by weak I meant a weak or terrible master/no master. I don't want to beat a good master that did fine for their title. I want to give a team a fighting chance next war. Like gravity.
Honestly though I made 1 and only 1 error in judgment/misplay that I remember, the only reason I did not choose option 2 was because I thought I could win before things got bad. So really it might not have even been a misplay.
anyways you have proven yourself this war no doubt, maybe not so much in games but as keeping us from getting pens and last minute things.
Lifelockable I would like to say sorry to you. You had good ideas but it seemed you did not really get heard, I am really sorry, I can sit here and give reasons but I was a bad general in that area all the same.
Neo I am sorry you regret picking me as general, yes I acted poorly at times, and a little too outspoken. I am very sorry. I can sit here and make some dumb excuse but I was acting poorly at times. A few times I think I was justified in the way I acted, that goes double towards Aether, many of you were not in the room a few times when they pressured me to sub for one of you or something. It was BS, like with Sevs once when he was still well within the time limit, I could not play elements at the time I am told them that. They still said sub or forfeit. So any way I acted towards Aether and any of their players besides like 1 or 2 I will never say sorry about, just to make that clear. Neo I wished you had the upped cards to be general, I admit you most likely have more in game skill than myself and would have been a great general.
tttt it was fun. You are a great troll and team mate, You are one of the people I will max bid on. Just save messages next time. XD I personally believe that if you had played you would have won.
Shining, you were not always around as much as some of the others in this section but you were helpful, I would prolly bid on you, no I am almost certain I would.