This is the tale of how our glorious King, Joey the First, bested the red Dragon of Aurdinas.
The City of Gold, Aurdinas, used to be a proud independent City. Its riches, based on the huge goldmine beneath it and trade, overflew, as they still do today, but its Citizens did not share them. More and more gold was amassed in the Barons vault. But everything changed when the fire dragon attacked. The smell of too much gold in one place meant there was only two things a dragon could think of in such a situation: To claim the treasure for himself and set everyone within 7 miles ablaze! The original populace abandoned the area, leaving behind huge tracks of land, a great threat and great treasures.
Many wanted to claim the treasure and land for themselves or the glory of defeating a dragon. Joey the first was not so closeminded. He wanted to end the thoughtless spread and greed of the other countries. No longer shall most of the worlds treasure be stashed away by few, but be given to the people that need it! Aside from helping the people in need, sharing also ensures that neither dragon nor greedy people are tempted to claim great riches gathered in one place by force.
And so Joey set out, not for personal gain, but for us.
With a small army of his most trusted soldiers and advisers he crossed the Forest of Nightmares, to reach Aurdinas as quickly as possible. Some men got lost in the thick forset.
A few men suggested to leave them behind, but our first King did not falter. Despite the Forest turning into a deadly maze he kept searching, keeping his men close, so they would not get lost as well. Up till then he was the only one to have escaped those cursed woods at that time of the year before
Besting the dragon from the shadows, under the noses of the Frostkraken empires army, he left marks that only one of Ombrellas trademark parying daggers could leave.