By far the weakest was Amashi's fault; that said right now it looks like TTK or PC fight for the top, while we outperform frogs. PC got pretty lucky with 1 voint leads, so even if everyones performance would stagnate, a small shift in mood of the voters could easily change the winner. PCs strength is that they dont care to much about theme or continuity and just post whatever they find most applicable for each task without restricting themselves. I hope this will come back to bite them later, when the voters notice that their submissions are all over the place and dont connect to the story they had written previously. Everyone else seems to be mostly faithful to a theme.
As expected many voters found our descriptions round 1 too short. I think we improved on that and we should continue to cater to the tl;dr guys where possible. I suppose our wizard task this round will be perceived as minimalistic, but for the rest we should have made enough content. For crusader we didn't put a strategy guide, but well the deck kinda wasn't really suited for it. Both will cost us some voints, but I still like it best amongst the submissions (though it took a while to grow on me while voters will just have a quick look).
For round 1 royality the problem was that it failed to stir emotions and didn't emphasize on our King's importance all that much, though I cannot pinpoint where we could have done better.
About round 1 bard, I don't think its due to lack of drawing skills, but more Amashi being a failure of a lifeform
For round 1 enchanter it was really close and we got the short end of it. Many ppl critized that I made the card too complicated, others voiced (each of them completely) different reasons why they didnt find it thematically fitting. Many of the voters also expected a mythical creature here, but I think many others are more like me and prefer creatures you could expect a normal human to have seen once in their lives for this particular task. (also I didn't want to invent an excuse plot why a certain mythical creature roams our kingdom en masse)
For round 1 crusader we did tie for first place. We should aim for that with so many crusaders on the team, but it's still a success. But boy were the voters opinions all over the place! It seems everyone had their very own standards here. Having tasks for this aspect where whether a submission succeeds is highly subjective seems to be a knack of the BMs. Bad for us

Scribe and wizard were too minimalistic and a few didn't understand how the spell works or what it does. Frogs did poorer here, but it was probably due to the voters realizing that a lot of it was copypasted.
And hey, we have a bigger lead than we had before (not that that would really mean much).
Royality/Wizard: You activated my trap card! My main beef with the royality part is what the hell kind of dragon lays traps (so far away from his lair, too). For wizard, I am unhappy that it involves time travel, but forces it to be used in that particular instance. Time travel is a gamebreaker power, so unless we just predict the future -instead of going there and then turning back the clock- we are going to have to justify why that power is only useable there and then.
Trap cards dont exist in the game right now, so we have to make a spell or permanent (unless a creature somehow turns out to be better for this). It doesnt have to be an actual trap card as in delayed spell that triggers and fizzles after a certain condition is met, but could also be a permanent, that triggers whenever the condition is met. An instant spell is also possible, but seems less thematic.
Most likely victim is probably Amashi I think, but that's just a hunch of mine.
Wizard task is definitely supposed to be humorous and a tad absurd, but I think we should be able to tell in the end "that was all planned!".
The trap must be unavoidable through normal means, even if we know exactly where/what it is. Conveniently the same thing is going to happen ingame, as a first facedown card would scream "HEY IT'S ME!!!"
Thing is, elements doesn't only not have trap cards, it has no trap mechanic. So if for example we wanted to place a face down card, everybody would know what trap it is since it's the only one. perhaps it's masqueraded as another card of your mark? they'll see that your quanta didn't change according to that card, or maybe that could be part of the decieving?
We could have a good old pit trap, however it's a face up burrowed creature and the next creature your opponent summons falls into that trap; the two creatures then attack each other instead of players; if the trap monster kills the target, the next creature your opponent summons faces the same fate; would have lots of hp and lowish attack
Its always a duel, so can be countered by playing multiple cards a turn
Makes for a shitty wizard story though, having the monster suck you into that trap from afar may make it less avoidable, but is still a bit stereotypical
Possible unintuitive trap concepts:
well actually this has been done a lot: a trap that makes you hallucinate a perfect world that you won't/ don't want to escape from
Toxic wasteland we cannot go around; somewhere halfway down the path the weight of our steps causes poisonous gas to leak out of the ground; ways to avoid: fly over it, burn all the gas before you come close, gas mask substitutes (if the gas doesnt melt us that would work; creative ways to do this is getting some plant's/animal's stuff stuck in our respiratory system through some struggles with that plant/animal)
How about sth non-lethal? sth that teleports a member of us far away such that we would have to continue without them and we don't want to go to war missing a core member. In game it would send the next creature the opponent summons to the bottom of their deck.
It could also act as a barrier that teleports all of us away a bit and that we have to trick in order to pass (no timetravel required). In game it would send creatures to the opponents hand until it was full/no creatures left; would have to cost shit tons (like 8

at least and affect both sides evenly unless one is empty already)
Sth silly: boobytrapped food that looks so delicious you cannot avoid eating it when you see it. After consumption you are too heavy to continue. We will have to trick someone else into eating it for us. In game it would be a miny mass bb (like 2-3 turns delay, affects up to 3 creatures, maybe can only target creatures that enter the board after its cast, maybe affects both players)
How about : A spell that says : the next creature played by your opponent comes to your side. Mindcontroltrap? Mechanically awkward as it includes instantkill how?the card is dead to the opponent, he no longer has it (though your opponent being in control makes it a lot less big a deal); yeah but, he can play a damselfly just before his dragon to avoid trap, which will be shown in our story by simply sending Amashi first. Amashi = Meat Shield
Sacrifice Amashi to mind control, to have her cause mayhem in the ennemy team, causing us to find them and finish them off
-Here we are! This is Aurdinas. It looks peaceful though, too peaceful. I wonder what is happening here. I guess we will simply have to march forward. Wizard, remember our backup plan, as it may be useful. I will - AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH NO, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME - I will have to kill you all it seems. Not that it will be difficult, only a bunch of you are actually decent warriors.
can compare to me
-What happened to the boss? He must be mindcontrolled in some way, he would never turn against us. Nice to know he thinks we're a bad army though, but he is kind of right. Without our king, we're nothing. He has the plan, and even if we were to come back to Ombrella without him, the balance of our country would all fall down to ashes. I guess we have no choice, time for the backup plan. Everybody back away, we can't fight him.
-Now that we're out of Aurdinas, I want you all to listen to me. My name is Jenkar, I am your wizard, as you all know. Our king left me a backup plan that would save us all in case of desperate times. This spell is... is our only hope. It is important that we do not mess up, as this spell has limited uses. We all remember this legend our parents would tell us, legend about the dragon giving a country the ultimate power, but there is a much more secret legend known only to the people of Ombrella, in fact known only to the King and myself.
-''Once in a blue moon, under the effect of the spoon, you will have to align, with your closest ally, the one who always follows you, even if he doesn't want to. Only when full can it happen, and you will only get a single attempt. Use your tool and cut it out, to come back 24 hours after your shout.''
-Our king solved this riddle with his infinite wisdom. It is possible to travel 24 hours back in time. We have to first eat until we're full, and then use our spoon to cut our shadow, and then yell like there is no tomorrow. Considering I am the one casting the spell, I am the one who will need to seperate from my dark half. Which means I will not be able to use our country's spells ever again. Also, none of you will remember this day happened. We will all fall asleep, and only I, the caster of the spell, will remember what went wrong. And I'll explain it to our king.If you guys ever notice I don't have a shadow, I'll have to make you believe I never had one. It is a big sacrifice, but one I am willing to make for the good of this world. Let's eat.
''So our heroes ate, and there was a debate. Who shall be the bait, to alter our fate. For even after our nap, there will still be a trap. So they decided on a crime; I will be the one, this time.'' - Sang our bard during the feast. The plan was to send Amashi into the mindcontrol trap. Our bard is so unpredictable and crazy, the dragon won't be able to use her against us. For art is her passion, sanity is a prison. Jenkar made the rest of the spell, and asleep we all fell.
The day after ( or the current day?)
- Here we are! This is Aurdinas. It looks peaceful though, too peaceful. I wonder what is happening here. I guess we will simply have to march forward. Wizard, remember our backup plan, as it may be useful.
- May I suggest our bard takes the lead here, my king? For we do not know what danger lays ahead, we can't afford you falling in a trap.
- Ever so insightful, Jenkar. Amashi, you're up.
- My life sucks.
And just as planned, Amashi was the target of the trap instead of our king Joey. And just as planned, Amashi ended up being more useful for us while on the dragon's side than on ours. How the fight actually happened, though, is a whole other story.
I'm sorry, but I have sooo many problems with it:
- no explanation how and when the trap triggers
- our army admitting that it sucks (hey we should at least try to make it seem otherwise)
- narrative aimed at containing certain plot points (they dont come naturally, they are in there because its what the task says, not because it would be either a logical or funny progression) example: backupplan for this specific situation; wording containing "even if they dont want to"
- I dont think you should confirm Amashi's lack of self esteem that much (rather than "more useful while not with us" it should be more like "wroke havoc amongst her new allies by following orders in her very own way it should be more like "the dragon suicides because of how pathetic Amashi is")
- Too much text used on what happened to joey and how to travel back in time (can be reduced to the first paragraph, our wizard realizing what happened and seeing that the boss himself is affected sees himself forced to use his trumpcard, traveling bamonstrate in the fight against her comrades. But, as said before, this ended very poorly for them.
He then informed us that letting her sleep a full night would undo the effects of the trap. We put her under a sleep spell, and he was right, she is back to her.. erm, normal self.
Unfortunately, they had no information about the dragon's current location. They were just hired to keep the town clear of adventurers. But while searching their bags for supplies, we found a piece of paper, describing one of the dragon's minion, a gate closer, and which strategies would work best when he and his group joined them, happenned to be in their backpacks. When asking around, the soldier wearing it said it was lying on his bag after the demon mayhem. With this, we will be better prepared in case we face the fiend.
The papers got there, so they were meant to be read by them (begs the question why they would be send such information : to work with it
there is only one butterfly effect in all this, amashi getting caught intead of joey
Me and CO were hoping for sth like a slightly different motion (that amashi does and joey wouldn't) causing a breeze that knocks down papers containing important battle plans from the table, which eventually find their way into our hands through the strangest means
Bard/Enchanter: A lot of this will depend on whether or not we can think of a good creature that can we justify acting in that position. I hope you are less stumped than me. we won't win because of me
A creature that gains attack each time a dragon attacks. Including leaf dragon, even if adrenalined Welp, the dragon itself probably won't attack until he has to, as he is the final boss; also this makes the synergy with leaf dragon overshadow all other dragons
how about me, I'm literally just sin and flesh
Thematic options: (human) pyromancer that swore their allegiance to the dragon (not really all that evil) perhaps a necromancer?
hellhounds cerberus, pls chop my head off
Hm, we can not really make sth thats supposed to look pure evil, as Amashi's drawing style is way too succ
I seem to love deatheffects, but how about a creature that gains adrenaline or momentum for a turn when a creature dies, stimulating their bloodlust?
do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Other line of idea : what about a malevolent light? Like the colour out of space (light that poisons everything around it, creating decay)
3Li:Sacrifice to poison every creature on the opponent's side
Well, if we want to be mechanically accurate : light creatures tend to give health or buffs
How about : everytime something takes poison damage, player gains 2 times the damage as health?

: infect target creature.
Unlight really doesn't fit into an element in the game; death and darkness, maybe fire sorta work, but meh
Light with a death ability would work imo
While a creature is highligthed like that Id assume it would be easier to target and hurt, though dmg over time kinda makes sense too; how about having it as an automatic 1dmg per turn to previous target of the ability and reusing it switches targets The idea of the infect was to make the passive be usable without absolutely duoing
What about infect being like chrysaora's, so as to not be CC on stick?
Thing is I dont really get the healing part thematically
It draws strengths from others. As Amashi would say : it sucks life :Dwhat You're a colour out of space no,I'm the box of dead kittens
Hmm. Kinda fits dark a bit more >< Though transfer to other makes it more light
Dark tends to transfer stuff to self
Use Amashi as your personal Meat Shield
Doesnt really fit the theme all that well, but how about sth that another creature could ride; the rider would receive bonus attack, maybe airborne and cannot be targeted by the opponent until the mount died. In the lore we'd have to include who usually rides the creature.
ok but I suck at life anyway you don't at drawing (and it's part of life so by extension..)
How about:
If fire quanta is used while blacksmith is in play, add 1 damage to your weapon.
Considering the dragon spits fire, it makes fahrenheit stronger, which heatens the room to the point of which it is unbearable for us to stay in it. Isnt a card like this in CI&A already? oh it triggers whenever firequanta is used, not as an active ability; is pretty situational then; still not good enough to make fire spirit work (probably), requires a weapon
soft synergy with sobra, phoenixes, fire nymph, steam machine; can be used with normal fire cards
I have no idea if there's a CIA card like this already. nah, just an active give attack to weapon, not an automatic increase attack if you have a weapon and use firequanta. The card is kinda hard to balance; you dont want to run too many weapons with it, fahrenheit mostly needs pillars to work and thus there wont be that many card that synergize in the obvious mono, taking longswords and firespirit may work, but in most decks it will be just 'have a weapon (out of 2)? great, lets just double its power' or ' no weapon? have this slightly below average card then'. The variance of it is even greater, because weapons are already above average in power for the cost, so drawing exactly 1 is always great (unless it gets stolen). So my problems with it are: high variance, pretty niche use. We don't need ot make it a fire card. It would also be extremely good with vampire dagger. Also, should we have it increase the damage of all weapons if some are flown? If you dont make it fire its even more situational, as it forces that duo; buffing all flown weapons also makes it even more niche
I do like the idea of using excess heat though.
I think my idea is just as wonky as yours, but maybe we can improve it: kind of like steam machine, it gains attack whenever fire quanta is used, but also looses health; it can choose to release heat to regain a lot of health and loose some attack
http://i.imgur.com/EeD34GB.png(current wording implies that it looses max health, so we got a problem with text space too)
A bit too much going on in that card :c
Keep in mind that it has to be evil
behold, the Stirling's Ghost, the absolute abomination of art:
http://i.imgur.com/FWbJ0hf.pngÏ die
Maybe a discard mechanic? gains stats every turn if you choose to discard a card (activatable ability) or forces discard at end of every turn for the same effect (strong with empty hand though unless we surpress the buff then)
Gate keeper/ Portal keeper
2/3 for 3
ups to 3/4 for 3
ability : 2 gravity : target creature can no longer be played until this ability is used again.
Crusader: welp, time to play a different game then... is that even allowed in an EtG brawl?
One of the simplest valid solutions: 4te 4te 4te 4te 4te 4te 4te 4te 4te 4te 5f0 5f0 5f0 5gi 5gi 5gi 5f6 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5ii 5ii 5ii 5og 5on 5on 5on 8po (not very original, so we wont take it I presume)
http://etg.dek.im/cia/New cards: Neutral: 3 pillars that randomly produce from 4 elements, a nymph, a pillar that can switch elements freely, but doesnt produce for a turn, a neutral nymph (unupp seems better except for catapult shenanigans), a pillar that boosts each pillar stack you have instead of doing anything itself (works with pillars and pends separately, so a must in monos), half a dev for 0 and upgrade/downgrade (except for downgrading mp in an immo deck or upgrading flying hammers I dont see it as usefull and even there its just 3/4 attack)
Entropy: spider cow, basically a mutation with less variance that targets self
Death: decaying dragon (actually a neutral) seems pretty strong in Nova rushes, but you have to win quickly to make it usefull
Bloodletting: dry spell but instead of gaining quanta you deal dmg once (also costs more)
Malignancy: automitosis, presumably works instantly on creatures with summoning sickness, but drains your quanta whether you want to or not.
Gravity: wow...
gadget sword: pretty reasonable dmg ratio, can run multiples because they can turn into a tower shield as ability
Law: bad lightning (can be useful on antimattered creatures whose ability you want to use); upped is a permanent with CC on a stick comparable to oty, but stuns everything gravity shield cant block from the start and is a permanent
Tremors: Pandemonium without rng or thunderstorm that hurts burrowed (and self)
Meteorite: decent synergy with flooding, unfortunately hitting multiple targets is difficult, as the opponent has at least 5 creatures at that point
Collision course: rt that doesnt draw lock, costs more, but CCs a random (enemy) creature Should have potential (instantkill and some extra CC to another creature seems hella strong)
Earth: dust moth: infinite CC, but hella expensive and vulnerable
Terran Tiger: A big warden that relies on life quanta (and has attack per default); myths say the protoss platypus is a big arctic octopus
Durability: Iirc it takes the highest value rather than adding them for each property; combining mirror shield and wings or disshield aint too bad, but its a 3 card combo and off element. May be decent with material pillar (fog and another shield might not be bad either), seems weak, but could suit our theme
Life: Spore/fungus: some CC resistance for life, its mostly a better phoenix-effect, but costs more for the stats initially and spores can be mass cced by anything. The death effect may be so strong that you may want to run immolation and empathic bond in the same deck.
Fae: costefficient with 6 pillars, forces mono, mitosis cost is not reduced, so it only works well with adrenaline (-nymphs), affected by pends so duo is actually possible
Roar: decently strong in a dom, its a freeze that doesn't affect abilities and lasts indefinitely, but only works when a creature is played
Rejuvenation: turn target permanent (no pillars) into a sog; can make sword a more powerfull adrenastave, but aint worth the extra card (inferior to momentum), pretty good against dims. from my oetg experience, its great pc.
Survival trait: sacrifice creature, give all other (friendly) +1|+1; where its worth it I presume SoP is better (exception fungi which you want to have die on you, it even buffs the spores created that way)
Fire: some dust
Water: Sponge: basically a double pillar that you have to sacrifice to gain any quanta from, bb probably makes the quanta come too late; synergy with flooding and fractal may be noteworthy
Hydra: the heads it produces are 5|1 and die if no hydra is in play; overall the card seems too slow
Light: Light beam: Its attack matches the light quanta you generate each turn, including solar shield, single handedly makes mono rush possible and is a decent finisher for RoL/hope (at least if it works with luciferin)
Paladin: Autoangel on self, outside CCrange, but largely inferior to dragon and aa I think (though you can ragepot without drawback immediately and passive ability costs nothing). Can bypass shields only in a meh duo (however with collision course a control deck may work)
Insight: Mutation for abilities, can effectively lobo or give any ability (will always cost light)
Air: Fenghuang: expensive ability that allows target to return to hand upon death, can be easily CCed before ever using it
Windsweep: Counter to OTKs; basically empties your opponents hand for 8 quanta; I dont think it'll do much good for this task
Time: Dreambreaker: quickens opponents deckout and destroys combos, but easy to negate; can be crazy with adrenaline
Darkness: dust... dammit
Aether: arc lightning: randomly hurts opponents creatures until one of them dies; should be decent in a rainbow stall, pretty expensive though
A mono gravity: 564 564 564 565 565 565 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 747 747 74p 74p 74p 74p 745 745 745 748 748 748 8pl
Whats in tha boax?: 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 4tg 501 501 501 501 564 564 564 569 569 5ri 5ri 5ri 5ri 623 623 623 627 8pl
Fae, adrenaline and op gravycards: 564 564 564 569 569 569 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5cg 5cg 5ca 5ca 5ca 5ca 5ca 5ca 745 745 8pl
Frogs can just do this: 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7ar 7b2 7b2 7b3 7b3 7b3 7b3 7b3 7b3 7am 7am 7am 7as 7as 7ak 8pn
http://imgur.com/OS6s30uThe core strategy of the deck is to multiply the fungi by intentionally getting them killed with survival trait, which triples their numbers. For that to work, you have to make sure all the spores turned into fungi, though later in the game it can be correct to play it just like that to buff the other creatures you own. Having the lowest health Fungus lobotomized is a bit annoying here, doesn't often alter the strategy much though (sometimes it's poisoned/overdriven and bound to die in which case you may wait for its death), as you need to get rid of it for survival trait to work on other Fungi. Empathic bond capitalizes on the fact that this deck floods the board fairly quickly, rejuvenation is an allpurpose card. It can get rid of annoying abilities on creatures and permanents alike, too much cc on a stick, especially lobo effects can become a problem even though they may actually help you at first (lobo is never good for you). It can get rid of Wings and Dimensional shield, too; obviously both uses have the side effect of healing your opponent. Finally it can be used as basically a shard of gratitude, if you target one of the bigger Fungi that won't be sacrificed by future survival traits.
Fungi are amazing against singletarget CC, nightfall (they get buffed by it) and have an interesting interaction with skullshield (creating 2 spores and a skeleton).
Weaknesses are lobo effects and double AoE in a single turn. It's also possible to outrush it.
Windfall profits: 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 786 77o 77o 77b 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ds 7ds 7dq 7dq 7di 7gr 7gt 7gt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7nq 7nq 7na 7nb 7nb 7nb 7nb 8po (basic idea is to remove the drawbacks of sobra with mindgale, needs polishing and maybe adjusting to our theme)
Stall version: 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 6ru 77o 77o 77o 77c 77c 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7dn 7do 7do 7dq 7dq 7dq 7gr 7gr 7gr 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7n7 7n7 7n7 7n7 7nb 7nb 7nb 7nb 8po (wiping opponents hand clean makes your cc-creatures pretty safe)
Finally a scribe task that I can actually get into; not sure whether I have enough time for proper research (and how much magic we are going to need to not slowly suffocate from smoke, simply overheat even though the material is fireproof etc...) Even if the armor doesn't melt it would still need to protect the soldier underneath from heat. If you're the hero protagonist, press the Y button to use Amashi as your personal meat shield! Thanks for the enchanter idea now press Y
Very rough and bad draft that I made but it's better than nothing. (probably)
We knew that for fighting a dragon we would need fireproof armor so we went in search for ways to do that. We made some asbestos fabric for the base of the armor did that --> (you actually take silica gel that contains any fluid(doesnt matter you dry it off) and then let the fluid evaporate in supercritical state (technically not a fluid in that state) so it gets replaced with air) (Someone needs to elaborate on all sorts of aspects of this) to make a material that we couldn't burn or melt so we decided to plate our armor with it. We put the armor on the test subject and blasted it with fire (how did blast it with fire? I don't know) (is it too early to introduce captive night adders?) (I don't know but if we have them I don't see why not) and it worked!...For the most part. While the fabric was fireproof the spots oncovered by plates, for movement purposes, let the heat get through to the test subject and cause harm so we made a shield to further deflect the fire. Also the eye holes caused the test subject to go blind because their eyes burned. Through trial and error this was fixed by making the helmets with glass in the eye holes (mention how various kinds of glasses we tested melted)(Again, I'm a really bad scribe so feel free to rewrite and add to any part of this. Like the glass thing)
. We didn't know what to do about the hot air burning the test subject's lungs and smoke choking it so we turned to magic to make a fireproof breathing mask. (magic still has rules, just different ones; how did we make the spell for it? It needs to 1. keep fire away from the unarmored filter (filtering can be done though magic ofc) 2. filter smoke 3. gather enough oxygen)(my main point with magic is to make a filter that is itself fireproof filtering out smoke should be easy enough without magic so maybe make a air filter then cast a spell of fireproofing? and also something to gather air/oxygen) (it's not all that easy; with a magic filter simply redirecting the fire to the sides a bit will do for the most part til the filter must endure the heat(which ofc affects our soldier as well so he should avoid getting his mask focussfired by
the dragon; if we simply have a spell that truly fireproofs we need to explain why we cant use it for the whole task) I was thinking we didn't have enough magic for that redirecting is easier to quantify than an abstract 'is now fireproof' I thought magic had plenty of abstracts. Ok the mask needs work elaborating.
Testing the armor again showed the changes fixed the problems and we had our finished armor.
Yes I'm far from a scribe but that's what I came up with. Feel free to change it heavily or do something completely different but we needed a draft so there it is.
Skeleton for Scribe:
- Taming of night adders (did we do that before the dragon threat? maybe for a circus?)
(Perhaps our scientist will request a more ferocious one than the watered down tamed ones to get closer to the dragons power)
- Trade with more advanced species (silica aerogel) including demonstration of putting it into fire and after taking it out grabbing it with bare hands
- Scientist tries to break down what the silica aerogel is made of (probably succeeds at finding out its made of silica and something that doesnt weigh much and leaves no traces after breaking down the material (could realize its just air)), probably gets frustrated with not fully finding out how to make it and relying on trade
- parrallelly(?) he's aware of asbestos fire proof properties
- first tests: night adders spew at the materials for no effect (maybe have sth else that does in fact catch fire)
- actually we should probably make the shield first as it requires fewer resources
- first tests: night adders spew at the shiled for no effect
- second testing phase: night adders spew at shield that covers sth flammable
- will attempt to make a coverall of either material (how will a human get into it and then close it shut? inside zipper? there are still parts of it on the outside or else the cloth wont open yes, just flaps)(not that it matters anymore but soldiers could always get other soldiers to close their armor.)
flaps= Labia majora and minora surrounding the exterior of the vagina. ....... Similar but for cloth.
- repeat the 2 testing phases above
- realizes that silica aerogel isnt very good at normal uses of armor, while asbestos is pretty good but not as good at repelling heat (->silica aerogel underneath asbestos coating) wait no don't use asbestos you'll die of pneumonia
- explaining how we weave the silica aerogel into the asbestos cloth
- armor details (joints perhaps and how to make it more suitable as armor (resistance to physical stress))
- mask engineering (soldiers want to see and breath)
- glass for eyes (weakspot)
- magical respiratory/filter system
- improve shield to be steel/titanium covered with silica aerogel (undamaged it can block the fire perfectly and has most properties of a normal shield, damaged the steel starts melting where the cuts are)
-consider giving the armor the same treatment, but also consider the added weight and the fact that it isnt protecting the human from heat perfectly anymore once cut
Knowing we were going to have to face the dragon's breath at some point, our King Joey the First has appointed our court's wizard to create an armor that would be able to withstand such intense flames. I, on the other hand, was tasked with writing the details, so we could recreate the armors.
The first idea we had was to contact the dwarves. We have kept relatively good relations, and due to their working with molten metal, they were bound to have knowledge about what we could use to protect ourselves.
They showed us several samples of various, highly worked minerals, and demonstrated their properties in their giant forges. Immediatly, one of their materials, looking a lot like quartz, called our attention : they dipped it into lava with their bare hands, without burning themselves. They called it "light quartz". We do not know how they made it, but they ask a great price in magic items for it, meaning that the fabrication must be quite difficult.
We immediately moved to testing the material. First, we designed a small shield, completely made of the stuff. We borrowed several Night Adders that were being used for fireshows by a local circus (as well as their tamer), put a big log on the ground, the shield on top, then had the adders spit fire at it. No burning at all on the log, promising.
We then proceeded to several other tests, revealing some flaws of light quartz. First, we tried wearing it, and it is rather stiff, not easily bent. Secondly, we tried slicing a small piece with a knife, and it is a bit too soft, being rent quite easily. If a small knife can tear through it this easily, they would be like butter to a dragon's claws.
Thus, we looked for a way to reinforce the material. First, we tried to simply make it cover a sheet of steel. However, this didn't solve the flexibility problem. Furthermore, rips through the layer of light quartz led to heat being able to penetrate through the steel. We had to get a new piece of wood. Obviously, we will also need to change the quartz that had been ripped through.
Our second attempt was to instead combine the light quartz with another material we used for our firefighter's clothing, a very fibrous material called asbestos. By weaving it around the light quartz, we obtain a much more resistant material, as the fibers (partially) stop cut. Furthermore, we can pad the joints with it, further augmenting flexibility.
Hence we created a sample armor, completely covering the body. For the entrance, we decided on a simple set of buckles in the back. Several flaps would help cover this layer. One problem this raised was the lack of visibility. We added two eyeholes, with a special glass that was on the dwarves materials' list.
Then came the real test. A willing soldier donned the armor, and the adders spit fire. Overall, the soldier is fine, at least from the fire. However, there was little air inside the armor, and once closed, the soldier had only a few minutes of air supply.
We decided to create a small opening on the back (outside of blast range), easily closed or opened through a system of strings inside the suit. Pushing a switch inside the hand pulls a string, closing the opening, and pulling it pulls a string on the other side, opening it again. It did well in testing, easily used by the soldiers, little hot air getting in the suit, even when not knowing when the adders would blast The suit resisted a special test with a full blast from all sides, which left the room quite hot.
Overall, while bulky, this armor should protect us from the dragon. A shield, done in a similar fashion, can take the brunt force of the blasts. We advised the soldiers on the use armor, the usage of the opening, and the weak points in the joints and the back.
Manual for soldiers:
- how to put on
- dont expose weakspots too much
- air opening
Knowing we were going to have to face the dragon's breath at some point, our King Joey the First has appointed our court's wizard to create an armor that would be able to withstand such intense flames. I, on the other hand, was tasked with writing the details, so we could recreate the armors.
The first idea we had was to contact the dwarves. We have kept relatively good relations, and due to their working with molten metal, they were bound to have knowledge about what we could use to protect ourselves.
They showed us several samples of various, highly worked minerals, and demonstrated their properties in their giant forges. Immediatly, one of their materials, looking a lot like quartz, called our attention: they put it into one of their forges, one with dancing white flames. We could feel the heat from several meters away. After it spent 10 minutes in it, they carefully took it out and then to our disbelief grabbed it with their bare hands. There was no sign of it burning them in any way. At first only a few of us dared to touch it, but it didn't feel hot at all. They called it "light quartz". We do not know how they made it, but they ask a great price in magic items for it, meaning that the fabrication must be quite difficult. However, for dragonslaying, only the finest materials will do.
We immediately moved to testing the material. First, we designed a small shield, completely made of the stuff. We borrowed several Night Adders that were being used for fireshows by a local circus, put a big log on the ground, the shield on top, then had the adders spit fire at it. No burning at all on the log, promising.
We then proceeded to several other tests, revealing some flaws of light quartz. First, we tried wearing it, and it is rather stiff, not easily bent. Secondly, we tried slicing a small piece with a knife, and it is a bit too soft, being rent quite easily. If a small knife can tear through it this easily, they would be like butter to a dragon's claws.
Thus, we looked for a way to reinforce the material. First, we tried to simply make it cover a sheet of steel. However, this didn't solve the flexibility problem. Furthermore, rips through the layer of light quartz led to heat being able to penetrate through the steel. We had to get a new piece of wood. Obviously, we will also need to change the quartz that had been ripped through.
Our second attempt was to instead combine the light quartz with another material we used for our firefighter's clothing, a very fibrous material called asbestos. While it was pretty good at heat protection, it didnt reach the class of "light quartz" in that aspect. However it had several desirable properties. By weaving it around the light quartz, we obtain a much more resistant material, as the fibers (partially) stop cut. Furthermore, we can pad the joints with it, further augmenting flexibility.
Hence we created a sample armor, completely covering the body. For the entrance, we decided on a simple set of buckles in the back. Several flaps would help cover this layer. One problem this raised was the lack of visibility. We added two eyeholes, with a special glass that was on the dwarves materials' list.
Then came the real test. A willing soldier donned the armor, and the adders spit fire. Overall, the soldier is fine, at least from the fire. However, there was little air inside the armor, and once closed, the soldier had only a few minutes of air supply.
We decided to create a small opening on the back (outside of blast range), easily closed or opened through a system of strings inside the suit. Pushing a switch inside the hand pulls a string, closing the opening, and pulling it pulls a string on the other side, opening it again. It did well in testing, easily used by the soldiers, little hot air getting in the suit, even when not knowing when the adders would blast The suit resisted a special test with a full blast from all sides, which left the room quite hot.
Overall, while bulky, this armor should protect us from the dragon. A shield, done in a similar fashion, can take the brunt force of the blasts. We advised the soldiers on the use armor, the usage of the opening, and the weak points in the joints and the back, writing their comments in a manual for future use.
Manual for soldiers:
- how to put on
- dont expose weakspots too much
- air opening
Actually in this step the armor probably completely isolates the person; no air or smoke from the outside comes in, but wearing it for a while should severely reduce the oxygen inside resulting in dizzyness
No air means no breathing?