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Round 1 discussion https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=64035.msg1255882#msg1255882
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:35:05 pm »
ROUND 1, aka Amashi Does Super special art for ducks that don't know what art is teaching them to see frieirf is fuf :D what is this you're trapped in a hat factory xD
First of all we need a theme that we can apply to all tasks and is consistent with our propaganda.
I'm assuming we're darkness themed and like to work from the shadows. Do we live in a perfectly normal country and just like to be stealthy? are there many/a normal amount of phantastic creatures? If so are they mostly nocturnal (thinking yes) and demons (thinking no)?
Famitracker is a thing that does music
I'll wait for Joeys input here as to what he had in mind. This will also affect how well other suggestions fit the theme of our country.

Here we are, it is the day. The day in which I'm going to have to leave you all. I am not doing this by choice, but alas, I have to go. I know you will all miss me, but I cannot let the Dragon be killed by the Tentacle's Grip, the Free Ranged Organized Guerrilla Soldiers or the Pyrocloaks. As you all know, the legend says that the king or queen of a nation will bring the Ultimate Power to it's nation. I usually do not believe in legends, but Vitalstatistix showed us it is true. Remember my words, people of Ombrella. I am not seeking power for us, or for myself, but we must not let the other countries have it. Because who knows what could happen to the world if such power fell into the wrong hands.. I entrust Jenkar, strong war veteran, to ensure the safety of the dusk mantle, hiding our country's location from maps and from the gaze of evil . It is the Dusk mantle that I won while working with the Nyan Shark Squad, that I since used to create this safe haven for innocent, pure citizens and protectors of earth. We started small, but by standing together, we've grown strong enough to thrive. I shall now go with my army to keep the rest of the world safe. Remember to keep our location secret. Know that our wizard has prepared a secret weapon that will ensure our victory. We shall be the guardians of this world, we shall do all in our power to protect it while staying shrouded. We shall be the shielders in the shadows, but for now I ask of you to simply stand your ground. For I will come back victorious, and then we will achieve peace.

    Amashi  is the Fire Queen* Now this is sth I can arrrange myself with what minus the food but I like f
Hey Amashi! A little confidence booster here; this is what a meme drawing looks like http://i.imgur.com/4inJD1g.png
Can't even say I rushed it, it took me 2 hours
some fun: http://i.imgur.com/tMK30ox.png

Ok Amashi, when you're done killing yourself, would you mind exploding? As I mentioned, it is memedependant and while you are inevitably the one who has to draw it in the end, we should discuss what we want to have in it together (preferrably when at least 2 others are online). Sure you've done the minimum you have to do already, but it would be nice if the poster could touch on what we use for the other tasks and that was simply impossible to do when you made the first one, as we didn't have anything else yet . Shields, especially the dusk mantle seem to be part of our theme, and that would make it look weird since I can't bloody draw hands holding things draw it on a shield (which covers the hand holding it) like I did (shieldception) (don't use me as role model) so I think at least one of them should appear in the poster. (Hopefully) more feedback will be given to you over the weekend (and feel free to tell us what you have in mind).

    1: http://dek.im/d/zA7t4z17t5z17t8z17t9z17tbz57tcz17tez17tiz17umz580a80i8pu So good at killing dragons it even kills its own. It fits what little I know about the theme and several keywords in our title, but in the end it's just drainbolt (and it's a sorry army that only consists of 2 creatures).
    2: Each member chooses a creature to represent them and we build around those cards
    2b: Each member chooses several cards with a theme and we'll try to make a deck out of it
    2c: Each member picks a creature capable of killing dragons to represent them (maxwells demon, oty, scarab, bloodsucker, red nymph, grey nymph; warden, fallen elf may count, sqid if we include SW) I like.
    3: Throwing together creatures to represent an army (eh...)
    4: monodankness:http://dek.im/d/z37t4z27t5z57t6z17t8z17t9z17taz17tbz17tc7tdz17tez17tiz17um8pt (I dont really like it)
I don't know how many of you have seen the Hobbit movie but in it they killed the dragon will a bow type thing so I made this with cloaks that may come out to signify the country. http://dek.im/d/z57k5zB7laz27n5z37tiz47um8pr add duck shield pls Ok. Currently fixing the deck up some. while at it include aw and at least one vagger How do those fit the theme? I would put them in if it was for grinding or pvp or something. They do not really, but not using saders flexibility seems like a crime to me and vagger can always be justified for darkness soldiers Up until now I was focusing on dragon killing but I'll be happy to add more dark soldier-ness and effectiveness to the deck. Let's see what joey/jenk (who brawled before) says on importance theme vs. effectiveness (also adding vagger to the deck while keeping EE is arguably more creative) Flying weapon or animate weapon? Depends on whether you want to guarantee that it's air quanta it takes (also aw is even harder to justify than vagger) It's going to be hard to fit all these things in a deck. What I have so far that I made in about 30 seconds. http://dek.im/d/5oiz17joz47k5z77laz27n57t87tbz27tiz57um8pr
http://dek.im/d/z27joz57k5z47laz27n2z37n5z17t4z17t8z17tbz17tiz47um8pr I likePut up a decent fight with firequeenFIREQUEEN IS AN IDIOT What was your light quantum pool like in that game? It was a bit above average started with one pend but quickly drew 2 more Here's another idea based more on the country's army with its pets for dragon killing. http://dek.im/d/z3744z5747z374bz675mz17t8z17tbz17tfz27ti8pt Alternative version. http://dek.im/d/z3747z374bz37t4z27t5z17t8z17tbz27tiz77um8pl I kinda like it, but most dragons have too much hp and our theme doesnt fit with otys all that well (as one of many dragonslayers it can make sense, but a third of our army made up of carnivorous hungry creatures?) I was thinking these decks were for killing dragons not killing dragons in EtG decks. If this is incorrect then I'll built my dragon killing methods with EtG dragons in mind. But wouldnt dragons be huge? Makes no sense to eat them whole either way Ok point made. Right now I'm in the spam idea phase hoping I get a good one. What about a dragonbow? To beat dragons bring more dragons and I guess the army is dragons. Darkness is not much in there though. Base example deck got from fire queens counter thread http://dek.im/d/z66qqz56u3711z177f7ad7di7gt7mvz27q5z27tiz380d8pj As it turns out we are actually protecting from the darkness, though we also wield it ourselves

I hope there is a shield that grows in power with creatures on board, so that we can fulfill the task that obv focusses on creatures whilst sticking to the shielder theme. Oh yeah, there is!
Quickly thrown together hopebow http://dek.im/d/z152nz35lj6u1z56u3z174777a77m7ae7hiz17jpz27k4z17q1z17q9z17tg8pj (needs lots of improvement)

An actual humanoid army (as in what humans might want to have work for them on the battlefield): graviton guards, armagios, fire eaters, crusader, guardian angel, Pharao, GotP, steel golem, gnome rider, steam machine, catapult, pegasus, charger, goargoyle, voodoo, dragons (nymphs and skeletons kind of count), armor, any shields and weaponry

    Cards already ingame that would otherwise work for this task: Dragons (well duh), dragonfly (lol), firefly, phoenix, wyrm, vampire
    Real life creatures (some of these may seem ridiculous):
        nocturnal: venomspitting snakes, thunderbug (firefly renamed and different effect), skunk, bat
        not: komodo dragon, crocodile
    Phantastic creatures: Wyvern, Roc (giant bird-thing), Serpents
    First example: http://i.imgur.com/WbfHhKN.png I like
    So consensus seems to be that this is a good suggestion and a bit op
    Thematics: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Night_Adder in this game the night adder actually totally breathes fire, but thats a bit unusual for a snake, isn't it? It makes the association with dragons easy of course and instantly cooking your meal while hunting it is nice, but maybe venom is easier to justify. That would however kinda turn it into a big bloodsucker which is a bit lame (any other element that could be venomous?). What's Ombrellas fauna like? would night adders be common here?
    Balance: Compare to maxwelldemon,owls eye, oty, warden, bloodsucker, forest spirit
    Raise cost unupped and make the current version upped
    Increase ability cost
    Keep as is, as dark/fireduo isn't metadefining right now
    Reduce stat boost after feasting, making the delay a serious drawback
    Upgrade acid trip: the buff after devouring the target creature could be higher upped (interesting mechanic wise as +1|+1 unupped may not be worth the delay, but hard to justify thematically)
    Explaining dragon's: Spits dangerous stuff and is dangerous itself
    reptilian, long body
    feasts on its victims (the dragon steals gold primarly while the adder prefers flesh)
-Most obvious magic ability for us is stealth (can be any of the things (spell potion etc))
-Maybe we can make something to prevent the dragon from spewing fire (e.g. by extinguishing the fire inside by sucking it out using dark powers)
-A magical shield that can protect from the dragons fire
-Something that allows us to instantly teleport or move within the shadow of an object (so as soon as you touch the shadow of a wall you can instantly teleport to the other end of the shadow alternatively you can hide within a shadow and surface at some other part of it)
- You actually _become_ your shadow and, practically in a liquid state, can transcend physical boundaries so basically like a ghost? untargetable, can pass through walls, cant attack? Yes
-attacking (either with your actual body or your own shadow) target's shadow affects the actual target
- Phalanx: good ol impenetrable defense; works better when working together (not really a spell/superpower per default though)

Wizard :
    To cast the spell, you first need to draw some of your own blood. A small pricking of the finger should be enough. Then, place your bloodied hand on your shadow. You then have control of it, and any shadow it touches. These shadows become able to affect the physical world if manipulated out of the surface they lie on, being as hard as steel. The reverse is also true, any wound sustained by the shadow will happen to its owner. As soon as the hand is removed, all shadows manipulated snap back in place.
    Recommended use: scare FQ shirtless
Scribe :
You may not know it, but all your shadows have souls. (Except gingers, gingers don't have souls, so why would their shadows?) However, they lack the energy to move by themselves. When a shadow is given energy, it can start to move on it's own. Which is why we, people of Ombrella, treat our shadows with a lot of respect. Shadowmall, shadowspas, you name it! Technically, any country could use this spell to get their shadows alive, but only we have learned how to control them. Except our bard, each time our bard tries to use this spell, for some reason her shadow tries to kill her. Our king learned that shadows had souls back in his Whispers in the Dark days, but our ingenious wizard found out how to control them. It is a spell that we've only been using for a decade, but it's tested and true. Last thing to remember when you go to battle, don't let your shadow get hurt. We want you all back here tomorrow.

Once brought and activated in our great country, the Dusk Mantle had many subtle influences on the world around us. It made the shadows deeper, more defined, more... real. As they strengthened, more and more people became aware. They embraced the shadows around them, the protection they gave at night. Eventually, their power was discovered.
This happenned at a bar brawl, or so the story goes. A man hit another with his glass, smashed it. From the ensuing wound, blood dripped. In the following melee, he eventually fell, and another voice altogether adressed the people.
The shadows bargained. The blood gave them power, power to move, power to interact with the world around them. In exchange for that, they were willing to give us control, for a bit.
They infused us with knowledge of how they were awakened by the dusk mantle. With it, we are now able to awaken shadows anywhere, and exchange power for control.

    Theory 1: The shadow is imbued with ones soul (symbolized by the lifeblood it touches) and thus is able to be controlled like a physical body
    Theory 2, it's got a soul but gives up control for the reinforcment given by the blood
    all shadows have souls? or only the ones of the unit we give that spell? I would say all.
    Why do shadows never go rogue? do they lack the energy without the blood? Yep, most of the time. MAybe in other lore books there are exampless of some going rogue.
    Theory 3: It wants to kill Amashi but it swallowed the Villain Ball (canonanonanon) then how do we control it? it wanting to kill our bard seems noice

    Yo, anyone want to make an icon? This Brawl is dragon/gold themed, so keep that in mind, but it will be difficult to depict that in a tiny picture. A Glove or a B for brawl are common ,but not necessary.
    * the Fire Queen is stupid
Round 2, or Amashi Has Sinned Again

dear god what is this creature I've created

follow me at twitch.tv/mynameisjoey

