Spoiler for Scribe:
Once brought and activated in our great country, the Dusk Mantle had many subtle influences on the world around us. It made the shadows deeper, more defined, more... real. As they strengthened, more and more people became aware. They embraced the shadows around them, the protection they gave at night. Eventually, their power was discovered.
This happenned at a bar brawl, or so the story goes. A man hit another with his glass, smashed it. From the ensuing wound, blood dripped. In the following melee, he eventually fell, and another voice altogether adressed the people.
The shadows bargained. The blood gave them power, power to move, power to interact with the world around them. In exchange for that, they were willing to give us control, for a bit.
They infused us with knowledge of how they were awakened by the dusk mantle. With it, we are now able to awaken shadows anywhere, and exchange power for control.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 07:51:15 pm by ji412jo »

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