Nice Kirch. I love the "meatshield"

Not quite sure what late-game "heroics" are though.
How is your FG-deck study coming?
You've also left out the "Original" deck:
This predated the "Regular" deck by a few weeks, and was Sha'kar's first incarnation. It has the advantage of almost never having too little
quanta to cast all of your TUs ASAP.
Ideally, I will have logged 500+ games with each variant, but I'm sure it will be even more so irrelevant with 1.27 than just the addition of 4 new fgs, considering zanz mentioned in chat that he was stepping up the AI to deal with dolls. Therefore, I wasn't pressing too hard to get any data out.
I kept having some very good experiences with the "original" (tower) Shak'ar and the win-rate bumped up to 30,x% when I last played it several weeks ago (but only some 80 games so far). Unfortunately, I am a bit to lazy to close the deal lately, so my plan to test the precog-variation and some pendulums-versions for an accurate FGei is probably not going to happen any time soon. It's probably best to wait for 1.27 anyways now ...
Nevertheless, if you are indeed going to check out the tower-versions, I would suggest using a -1tower, -1BB, -1TU version with 3 precogs ... as with the pendulum version, this seemed to perform best so far.
Also, the tower-version unlocks some further guerilla-tactics (advanced strategy) such as:
- Advanced meatshield: Need to buy time cause the draw is off and Miracle rushes the crap outa you? Two grav.pulls but hardly any BBs? Scorpions poison needs to be blocked but you are not quite ready for the combo yet?
-> play doll, BB (all), add grav.pull1 AND TU once -> you just bought yourself one bigass meatshield = time to wait for your optimal setup
- Straight TU: ChaosLord and Destiny suck arse?
-> forget about the dolls and play your deck as a straight TU-deck -> copy enemy-heavy hitters while playing all your BBs and grav.pulls defensively (mostly against druids, momentums, heavy hitters you just copied)
- Electric Shak'ar (Voodoo-Boogie) : Give up some deck-speed by adding 1/2 Elecs, then generously spend your aether-quants on anything that gets in your way ... poison? (bye), growth? (bye), mutation? (bye), momentum? (bye)
- wast'em if you got'em: Couple towers and 4 TUs in your opening hand but no doll, grav.pull, BBs in sight yet? After two turns you would rather quit then lose this the depressing way?
-> go meatshield (even with oppo-dragons if you got extra grav.pulls and no doll), TU heavyhitters/funky mutants just for the heck of it, copy (to be) poisoned unprotected dolls to build up some poison-dmg, get yourself an archangel to heal your slim doll, play extreme late-game heroics by copying a doll that barely took some dmg and get lucky by finally drawing that extra grav.pull, TU, BB ...