Sideboard #4 - RulesOriginal idea by:
Essence | Developed by:
TStar &
majofa | Art by:
Scaredgirl | Organized by:
Using up to 6 upgraded cards, players use their 50 cards to build decks to face their opponents. This event will use World Cup style format.
1. HOW TO SIGN UP?Anyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up for this event. Start by reading the rules very carefully. Then sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic, or if it is locked, this event is not currently active, and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
32. If the event is full, you can still sign up as a reserve player, and will get a chance to join the event if any of the 32 players doesn't show up during Phase 1.
2. GETTING READY1. Build a cardpool of 50 cards. Pillars, Pendulums, and Mark Cards count towards your 50 cards. These cards will work as your deck and Sideboard.- You may use all cards in the game, except the following cards:

Dimensional Shield


Bone Wall



Fire Bolt

Ghost of the Past
In addition, all Shards are banned.
- You may use up to 6 upgraded cards. These upgraded cards can be changed between games.
2. PM the deck code of your card pool to the Event Organizer: TheonlyrealBeef.- Use built-in forum deck image builder

- If you don't know how to do this, post on this topic and ask for help.
- It's a good idea to check the "Save a copy in my outbox" box when posting the PM so that you don't forget what deck you are supposed to use.
- If you do not PM your card pool in time, you will be removed from the event.
3. GROUP ROUNDSPlayers will be separated into 'Groups' with a similar number of players in each group. Players will then play the other players in their group. The top 2 players will advance to the next round of Groups. The top 2 will be determined by matches won first, then games won, then head-to-head result. The initial Round of Groups will have Groups of 4-5 players. So in case of 16 players the first round is 4 groups of 4, the second round is 2 groups of 4 and the final round is 1 group of 4.
Players will be seeded based on their finishes in their Groups.
*NOTE: Each player may use 2 additional upped cards for each match they won during ALL previous Group Rounds.
4. MATCHESPlayers will have 7 days to make their matches happen. They must contact their opponents using a PM, and try to find a time that suits both. Please keep a copy of all PMs sent and received, in case the fight doesn't happen. If one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time, they will receive the win. Event organizer will determine who the most active player was.
Matches are best-of-five. The first player who wins 3 individual games, wins the match.
You are allowed to change your deck and mark between games.
It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. If there is a dispute in a game, PM all pertinent information to the Event Organizer and continue on with that duel. The EO will look at all the information and make a ruling. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.
5. AFTER MATCHESEach Group will have its own Battle Results thread, where players will post their match results. All card pools will be listed in the original post so that all players can see them.
6. WINNERWinner of the final group is the winner of the event.
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon: TBD