Game 1:
Wing Stall vs Rol/Hope.
Horrible draw for me, good for him. Pwned brutally.
Game 2:
Wing Stall vs Rol/Hope
Bad draw for me, excellent for him. I managed to trim down his health to 30.
Fake games and those horrible things in the middle.
Game 3:
Eagle Poison Rush vs Rol/Hope
Both bad draws, I stomped him.
Fake games again.
Game 4:
Eagle Poison Rush vs Rol/Hope
Both bad draws, I was stomping him, and had a nice control of the table. Timeout.
He's kind enough to give me the win, and we agree to go down to best of 7 if I win next game.
Game 5:
Eagle Poison Rush vs MindGate
Incredible Game.
Let's just say I had 25 health, 10 poison counters.
He had 12 health, 6 poison counters.
He mindgates an arsenic.