Each elemental represents the essence of each quantum. Therefore the appearance of such have various effects on your creatures depending on their element. However, elementals themselves can't be altered by their own respective element unless it's said specifically.To make this clear:
: Aether Elementals will never get immortality by another Aether Elemental or themselves.
: Aether Elementals will never deal spell damage due to other Aether Elementals or themselves.
: Air Elementals will never get any bonuses by Pushing Breeze.
: Dark Elementals will never take damage by Absorption.
: Death Elementals will never get targeted by Consume.
: Earth Elementals will never get any bonuses by Indurating Aura.
: Fire Elementals will never be targeted by Provoke.
: Gravity Elementals will never be targeted by Equip.
: Life Elementals will never get healed by Healing Aura.
: Light Elementals will never get any stats alteration due to the existance of other Light Elementals or themselves.
: Time Elementals will never be delayed by Time deprivation.
I did this to avoid that there will be pure one elemental decks because they benefit by each other.
The cost of each elemental is 6/5. I did this because the elemental will have great synergies. This way it's less viable to make a pure rainbow elementals deck. Therefore it's better to decide which elementals you'll get into the deck. I tried to make them as balanced as possible but most of them (like the Dark Elemental) will only be balanced by tests ingame.
In general i made the upped card cost 1 less and +1/+1 stronger than the unupped. Only the cost reduction felt not enough as a bonus in comparison to other cards in the game which cost 6 unupped. Of course this is only a first estimate.
Tell me your opinion!
Aether Elemental 1:
| |
NAME: | Aether Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 2
| TEXT: | : Draw Fire Grants immortality to all allied creatures for 1 turn.
| NAME: | Aether Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 2
| TEXT: | : Draw Fire Grants immortality to all allied creatures for 1 turn.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Aether Elementals will never get immortality by another Aether Elemental or themselves.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Aether Elemental 2:
| |
NAME: | Aether Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 3
| TEXT: | : Enchant Weapons All allied creatures deal spell damage for 1 turn.
| NAME: | Aether Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Aether
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6 | 4
| TEXT: | : Enchant Weapons All allied creatures deal spell damage for 1 turn.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Aether Elementals will never deal spell damage due to other Aether Elementals or themselves.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals
Air Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Air Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Air
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 2
| TEXT: | : Pushing Breeze Each allied airborne creature gains +1/+0.
| NAME: | Air Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Air
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | : Pushing Breeze Each allied airborne creature gains +1/+0.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Air Elementals will never get any bonuses by Pushing Breeze.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Dark Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Dark Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 2
| TEXT: | : Absorption Deals 1 damage to each allied creature to gain +1/+1 for each unit damaged.
| NAME: | Dark Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 2
| TEXT: | : Absorption Deals 1 damage to each allied creature to gain +1/+1 for each unit damaged.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Dark Elementals will never take damage by Absorption. Therefore they can't boost each other.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Death Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Death Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 2
| TEXT: | : Consume Sacrifice an allied creature to gain +3/+3.
| NAME: | Death Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | : Consume Sacrifice an allied creature to gain +3/+3.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Death Elementals will never get targeted by Consume.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Earth Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Earth Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Earth
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 6
| TEXT: | Indurating Aura: Every allied creature gains +0/+1 at the end of each turn.
| NAME: | Earth Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Earth
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 7
| TEXT: | Indurating Aura: Every allied creature gains +0/+1 at the end of each turn.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Earth Elementals will never get any bonuses by Indurating Aura.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Entropy Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Entropy Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | Generates for each allied non-Entropy Elemental unit.
| NAME: | Entropy Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Entropy
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | Generates 3 random quanta for each allied non-Entropy Elemental unit.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: |
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too!
Fire Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Fire Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 2
| TEXT: | : Provoke Target creature gains +2/-1.
| NAME: | Fire Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6 | 2
| TEXT: | : Provoke Target creature gains +2/-1.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Fire Elementals will never be targeted by Provoke.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Gravity Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Gravity Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 5
| TEXT: | : Equip Target creature gains +2/+2.
| NAME: | Gravity Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Gravity
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 6
| TEXT: | : Equip Target creature gains +2/+2.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Gravity Elementals will never be targeted by Equip.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Life Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Life Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 6
| TEXT: | Healing Aura: Heals every allied creature for 1 health at the end of each turn.
| NAME: | Life Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Life
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 6 | 7
| TEXT: | Healing Aura: Heals every allied creature for 1 health at the end of each turn.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Life Elementals will never get healed by Healing Aura.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Light Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Light Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | Empathy: Light Elemental gain +1/+1 for each living allied creature and -1/-1 for each dying.
| NAME: | Light Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 4
| TEXT: | Empathy: Light Elemental gain +1/+1 for each living allied creature and -1/-1 for each dying.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Light Elementals will never get any stats alteration due to the existance of other Light Elementals or themselves. This means Light Elementals get a bonus for each non-Light Elemental unit you own and loses the bonus upon the creature's death.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Time Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Time Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | : Time deprivation Delays every allied creature to gain +1/+1 for each delayed creature.
| NAME: | Time Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Time
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | : Time deprivation Delays every allied creature to gain +1/+1 for each delayed creature.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | Time Elementals will never be delayed by Time deprivation.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Water Elemental:
| |
NAME: | Water Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Water
| COST: | 6
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | Gains +1/+1 for each generating creature. : Dripping Creates a waterdrop.
| NAME: | Water Elemental
| ELEMENT: | Water
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 3 | 3
| TEXT: | Gains +1/+1 for each generating creature. : Crystalize Creates an Ice Crystal.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: |
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the other elementals too
Waterdrop/Ice Crystal:
| |
NAME: | Waterdrop
| ELEMENT: | Water
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1 | 1
| TEXT: | Generates each turn.
| NAME: | Ice Crystal
| ELEMENT: | Water
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 2 | 2
| TEXT: | Generates each turn. Immune to fire.
ART: |
| IDEA: | reshiucS
| NOTES: | This card only exists to serve the Water Elemental.
| SERIES: | You should take a look at the elementals