I hate to demoralize EmeraldTiger, I'm also an avid Card Maker myself, but my word of advice would be this:
Consider yourself as a Game Producer, are you more likely to select and include a series of ideas, or one idea that really stands out?
Series are great, don't get me wrong, but many Card Makers have run into walls because of their mass production, and then they get into a frenzy which eventually leads into a creative drain.
Post when you become inspired, you shouldn't be lost as to what skill cards of yours should have. This is forcing creativity, something which should not, and will not happen.
A moment of inspiration will be shine in the Crucible, it will stand out, and do well. I want all Card Makers to do their best and to let their moments of inspiration shine, and therefore, am willing to help.
That is all.
More related to your series, what brings them together? How do they work together? They seem to be more aligned and attuned to their element, but nothing really shines in them that says we're ants.
You'll notice even some synergy between Nymphs. Purple Nymph, Green Nymph, Red Nymph, Auburn Nymph as an example. You can see where that's headed, what do the ants work towards?