Thanks ET. +1 more karma.
[04:33:20] OldTrees: Monoliths are like pillars that cost quanta(1|0) to play and have a small effect when they are played. Does anyone have a neat effect that would work?
[04:34:24] guest-9500: monoliths cannot be targeted?
[04:35:05] OldTrees: Monoliths can be destroyed just like pillars but the effect acts like a spell
[04:35:09] TimerClock14: : rain, flood the target area
[04:35:23] TimerClock14: better name: flash flood
[04:35:35] Jen-i: and OT - how about spawns a 1/1 creature
[04:35:42] Jen-i: heals 3 damage
[04:35:54] OldTrees: nice idea Jen-i
[04:35:59] Jen-i: delays opponents weapon 1 turn
[04:36:03] OldTrees: ideas
[04:36:12] Jen-i: deals 2 damage
[04:36:22] icecoldbro: random opponent permanent cannot be used for next turn
[04:36:26] Jen-i: scrambles 3 quanta
[04:36:36] OldTrees: What if the opponent does not have a weapon? Target a weapon or creature?
[04:36:55] Jen-i: no targetting is too good
[04:37:03] OldTrees: 2 damage isn't much. How about +1 attack?
[04:37:05] TimerClock14: how about: time out target
[04:37:07] jmdt: so oldtrees
[04:37:20] TimerClock14: timed out cards can't be used for one turn
[04:37:29] jmdt: I had an idea earlier
[04:37:35] jmdt: precog for the opponent
[04:37:55] Jen-i: 2 damage might not be much but it rocks from a pillar
[04:38:00] OldTrees: what do you mean by precog for the opponent?
[04:38:01] jmdt: basically a card that makes the opponent draw
[04:38:29] Jen-i: its a mill ability
[04:38:42] OldTrees: interesting that is a good idea jmdt
[04:38:47] jmdt: its a more friendly mill ability
[04:39:28] jmdt: an interesting card would be: opponent draws 2 cards and must discard one
[04:39:46] TimerClock14: i got it: Willpower Control: opponent draws one card
[04:39:57] OldTrees: they can't act on your turn
[04:40:21] Scaredgirl: @jmdt: yea, that won't work
[04:40:33] jmdt: that would be a card timer
[04:41:14] Scaredgirl: I'd like a card that lets me draw one card from the OPPONENT
[04:41:25] YawnChainHow: (Mindgate)
[04:41:29] OldTrees: I need to start copying these ideas down.
[04:41:56] jmdt: the opponent isn't acting per say, but being forced to draw
[04:42:28] Jen-i: no jmdt - the issue is the way flash works - that ability can't be programmed
[04:42:43] jmdt: you caould always add a random discard to remove any opponent play
[04:42:44] OldTrees: the discard was the impposible action.
[04:43:00] jmdt: stupid flash, lol
[04:43:12] YawnChainHow: Have the opponent draw twice at the beginning of their next turn, and discard once immediately after that
[04:43:24] YawnChainHow: Or is it draw three times then
[04:43:29] jmdt: would making the opponent draw 2 cards be OP then?
[04:43:34] OldTrees: that could work Yawn thanks
[04:44:14] OldTrees: The mill via drawing is a really good idea,
[04:44:25] icecoldbro: I hate deck outs... Soits OP
[04:44:33] icecoldbro: *So its
[04:44:46] jmdt: it would be another sundial ish perm for
[04:45:06] jmdt: when it goes off, the opponent draws 2 cards and must discard 1
[04:45:09] OldTrees: Probably should leave it at force them to draw 1 then
[04:45:45] OldTrees: Since monoliths are pillaresque that is a lot of forced drawing
[04:45:50] jmdt: you could do random discard, lol
[04:46:23] YawnChainHow: Random discard got the old Dune Scorpion reworked, it may not get very far
[04:46:56] jmdt: the old dune effect would work now
[04:47:15] jmdt: its has the hard sanctuary counterTimerClock14

Flood a slot

: Delay anything 1 turn (adding onto Jen-i)

: Create a creature

: Heal 3

: Delay weapon 1 turn

deals 2 damage

scrambles 3 quanta

: random opponent permanent cannot be used for next turn

: Opponent draws 1 card