I think associating Earth Monolith|Obelisk to something related to burrow is a good idea by Rohlfo.
Something simple like " Burrows a creature while coming into play " is good however I think it is not necessary to give unburrow ability to the creature.
If unburrow is not given it makes it castable on opponent's creature for reducing it's damage by half and preventing it from being buffed. If the creature already has burrow/unburrow ability it can unburrow. Remember that burrow is both a buff (immortal) and debuff (halfen attack) at the same time which makes not giving unburrow a necessity.
Would Conjure select randomly from all possible creatures? I agree it fits a Monolith better.
Conjure IMO would be best if it draws a creature already in deck but not in play.
I will try to clarify it with better description,

Dimensional Monolith
Each turn

is generated. Conjure : When Aether Monolith comes in play draw a creature which is not in your field.
It would draw the topmost card in deck which is not already in field.
The draining 1 attack is powerful but in Darkness all drain is converted into something so I chose a tiny 1 random quanta. With 3-4 of these that is a poor but cheap source for occasionally fueling stolen permanents.
Also I am now trying to have all Obelisks have an activation cost of 1 mono quanta.
It's good idea but i think it can be made better. The 1 quanta generation still seem very inferior for quanta generation. Normally, targets for steal with active ability are Eternity,Eagle Eye,Pulverizer,Trident,Hourglass and Sundial. I think it is impossible to generate the required correct quanta with it.
Maybe it could be made to drain 1 attack and generate 1 quanta to player's mark. Or it could be made into a non-drain card like " Frighten : Target creature gains -1|+0. "
Just some opinions.
Good idea
Earth Monolith: Target Creature is burrowed for 1 turn they cannot unburrow. (this way it does not lobotomise)
I would prefer if Entropy Monolith has a unique ability.
Would anyone be upset if I changed the Time Obelisk draw,discard effect to a Delay target for 1 turn effect?
What do people think of Aether obelisk now phasing (making immaterial for 1 turn) target creature for one turn?
I support them all. Nice ideas.