- make your cards cost random quanta...this opens a whole lot of new possibilities for many decks...maybe their cost would have to go up, if you stick with all abilities.
I actually considered this before making the first card for this series, but i felt that it would stray from the theme, so I decided against it. The theme of a card is very important, as it defines how it works in the game.
- stick to ONE idea...either producing quanta und certain circumstances OR always generating two kins of quanta...i would rather go for continous generation, but thats perhaps only me?
You do have a point here, I agree that the cards shouldn't be doing
too much at once, but if you are talking about Purgatory, then i'm afraid that's not going to change. That card has gotten a lot of good feedback, and I feel there is no reason to change it. (apologies if I seem a bit harsh) On the other hand, perhaps we could collaborate on future cards like purgatory? I'll be looking forward to it.

By making it cost random quanta, while generating 2 kins of quanta, with low cost, we would have a new kind of pendulum (maybe they could even build a stack)...it costs quanta as a pendulum, but generates more quanta...
just my 2 cents...keep up the great work!
the idea behind this series is that the cards are
not pendulums, in any way. I cannot stress this enough. What happens in this series it the equivalent of taking an earth pillar and mixing it together with, say, an amethyst pillar and getting a whole new card out of it! (see: Doom Transponder in the Original Post) It would also be correct to say it's like daking damselfly and mixing it together with, say, brimstone eater, but with different stats as a result.
On a lighter note, you do have a good point about the cost. However,
Old Trees and I have developed a static formula for card costs, which factors in the ability as well as the cost of the card itself. The three of us should brainstorm about this sometime.
Please keep these ideas coming guys! I'm going to be rather busy for a while, what with WoE and League coming around the corner, not to mention trials.

You guys are the lifeline of this series, and I can't thank you guys enough.