Spear Formation is a new mechanics that represents the coordinated push through the opponent's defenses.
MechanicType: Active/Activated
Card Text: Creatures in Spear Formation attack as one.
Effect: When activated the creature that previously activated Spear Formation this turn will not attack. This creatures current attack increases by the current attack of the creature that previously used Spear Formation this turn.
Bullet Ant should gain the ability
0: Spear Formation: Creatures in Spear Formation attack as one.

: Spear Formation and gain Momentum for the turn. Creatures in Spear Formation attack as one.
@Oldtrees: or even you could have a darkness card named Traitor (or an ability with this name) that could target one ambush creature to deal damage to its owner. That would fit in the tactical/ambush concept.
We do not want to have cards be too specific such that their used is unnecessarily constrained. A Traitor [cause target creature to attack its owner] card would fit well in the 2nd Ambush series as part of this Tactics Set.
I will continue to format these ideas into the 4 series. It may appear slow but please keep up the suggestions. Also please comment on the two Ambush threads already created [Land Wyrm and Swamp Gator].
However I will not add a third series mechanic until we are much further on these two.