Would you mind changing the Void pseudoquanta cost mechanic to a Void pseudoquanta generation effect?
Aka casting Parallel Universe on a Void creature would also cause the opponent to gain quanta.
No. PU only costs Aether; it has nothing to do with the target's cost.
Oh okay, makes sense not to mess with code
. So How would mitosis work, I'm guessing that the ability cost would be zero, since paying the ability cost and then having to pay for the creature generation would be ridiculous.....
Mitosis on a Void creature would generate Void quanta. In other words, giving quanta to your opponent. I don't care if this can't be coded; I don't expect Void to get into the game anyways.
I am surprised at your reluctance to make an almost functionally identical change to the timing that would make the mechanic easier to code.
CurrentlyStart turn
Game determines if Void Walker's cost(4void) can be paid
Play Voidwalker
Enact Voidwalker's cost (4void)
Come into play effect (none)
The alternativeStart turn
Game determines if Void Walker's cost(0) can be paid
Play Voidwalker
Enact Voidwalker's cost (0)
Come into play effect (4void)
The alternative uses more preexisting code, allows new void cards to enter the Regular Crucible polls, and is functionally identical except in 2 cases.
Case 1: Twin Universe on a void creature would generate void quanta in addition
Case 2: Mitosis + SoR would have no advantage beyond Mitosis