Tried a new deck concept for Seism. This went through a TON of changes... I started out using Dragonflies, Wings, and Empathic Bond. (I even threw in a couple Shockwaves to counter Silurian Dragons, though it seemed like overkill.) That was very stable on the survival end, but because of his Diamond Shield, not so hot on the win condition end. Air and Life really don't have a recourse against both that shield and Rewind, so I had to scrap. Wings stayed in, though! It's 66% longer-lasting, at only 66% of the cost - plus it's fat free!
The trick is that he has two varieties of Dragon - 4 Basalt and 2 Silurian. What do you get when fighting airborne creatures AND a Diamond Shield with Wings? You get... Death!
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This deck seems quite reliable, but I've only played him with it once. Got really burned out on all the tweaks I was doing, so maybe I'll come back and test more later.

The strategy is kind of complex, so if you're something of a newbie, you might want to stick with the OP deck unupped. But this seems to work well unupped, and it's rareless!
Assuming you Web every dragon the turn it gets on the field, he will get a grand total of 66 damage from them. That means you can allow 34 damage before your first Wings, more if a couple of his dragons are deep in his deck. Due to the fact that you can only get 30 turns of flight from said Wings, try to strike a balance on when you play them... they too can be buried, and late-game, one turn of exposure spells doom. Hedge your bets!
Unless you're swimming in

quanta, try to keep only one Spider on the field at once. If you're starting to lose health or got a late first Wings, maybe go with two on the off-chance that he Rewinds one the same turn he plays a dragon. This deck runs slim on quanta for a reason - Wings is your most pricey card, and it's run on the Mark. He is reluctant to Rewind such "weak" creatures as spiders and jellyfish, but he will do it eventually, in all likelihood.
(A note about Web for first-time users: you
cannot open creature tooltips when you have a creature ability selected. If you're not sure which Dragon was just played and which are already grounded, mouseover
before clicking your Spider. I made this mistake once, costing me 10 health, so my HP should actually have been 35 at the kill.)
Pillar strategy: poke your Water pillars and pendulums out first, one at a time. If you have no pendulums in Water, you can poke out a Death pendulum early to bid for an extra

, but if at all possible, burn his first couple Quicksands on Water stuff. You only need 1

for each Chrysaora, and there is an extra pillar in there in case of Rewind; Death, on the other hand, is your win condition and needs to be fairly renewable. Use your judgment, and when it seems likely to be safe, play only one each of a Death pillar and Death pendulum, then use those only until A) your hand gets clogged, which shouldn't happen, or B) he blows one up. NEVER add a second card to a pillar stack - unless it's Death and you're being very, very slow on the poison. You have exactly as many pillar cards as he has Quicksands.
Seism only packs two Granite Skins, for a maximum of 150 healing. Assuming a decent draw, this kind of poison assault is more than enough to finish him - as you can see, I only managed 23 poison on him, and had 7 cards left when I got the kill, despite one cast of Granite Skin. (His Rewind helped a bit, I think he shot me with it about four times.)
Enjoy! If anyone wants to be a dear and post some stats on this deck in the trainer, knock yourself out - maybe I'll get to it, maybe I won't. Time for a shower!