Uzra, my best suggestion to farm seism for pulv would be to make a traditional rainbow deck stacked with Protect Artifact and Anubis. Cards that really shine in this matchup, other than the two aforementioned include:
Sundial - free cost if upped and keeps you alive for 2 turns. Card draw is gravy.
Steal - take his shields and nothing else!
Firestorm - cuts into the hp of those golems and dragons, making them easier to eat with Otyugh.
Feral Bond - with a couple of these and a stolen Diamond Shield, Seism can barely touch you.
Eagle Eye - way better than Pulv or Eternity in this matchup, as getting rid of his big guys is more important than trying to target his immortal permanents or preventing yourself from decking against a god that will RT your stuff anyway.

I posted a link to a possible build to go with. Mark is
Entropy. It's a slight tweak to my current build, so it should work decently against Seism. Feel free to specialize and add even more Anubis in there. Lemme know how this works for ya!