Well as far as i know none of all that variety of rainbow decks were specifically catered towards beating seism ;p With drawing power a rainbow deck has the ability to get all the cards in the deck out and can certainly get a protect artifact, it can easily get the killing power vs. seism, all you need is a boneyard, and otyugh, and a fallen druid and you are basically set when you have quantum.
I'm not just talking theoretically here. I HAVE tried to build a rainbow deck specifically catered towards beating Seism. I tried to build a deck like that right after I did the ULTIMATE one. My plan was to design a rainbow deck that would Seism every time, and the modify it so that it could beat other Gods as well. This in my mind would have been the perfect Anti-God deck.
Unfortunately what I found was that most of these cards that are best against Seism, are already in the basic rainbow! There are no better anti-Seism cards for rainbow really. One exception is Protect Artifact if you didn't have it already. And if you did, you should take more of them.
Anubis was pretty good but way too much about luck. You really need to draw this guy early. And because you need him early, you need at least 2-3 in your deck who take up space. Also he's very expensive to use if you have Eternity also.
I did try to build a Anti-Seism rainbow again after reading this post but the results were the same as the last time. Sure you can win most of the matches but you WILL lose and anyone who says they don't, are lying. And when you DO win, it's very slow.
Aether/Earth deck I posted earlier wins almost every time. After about 12 matches, I still haven't lost. Although, like I said before, one time I almost lost, because this is a card game no deck wins 100%.
The question is how to defend... creatures such as an artic squid may play a role.
Haven't tried it with Squid because I don't have it but I played around a lot with Congeal. Freeze can be great but the problem is that there are just so many enemy characters. I think Squids ability uses 3 quantum (?) so you might not be able to use it as often as you would hope. For crowd control, Otyugh is just many times more effective imo.
The possible deaths I see are:
Not drawing enough towers
All the protect artifacts far down
Almost all of the dragons, or most of the phase shields, are near the bottom
This is a card game. Every deck will lose if the cards are in bad order. But with 30 card deck and multiple copies of each cards, I would say that the luck element is pretty small. As long as I keep winning I have no problems with luck.

In conclusion I'll say that OP wanted a fast, reliable Seism-farming deck and that's what I gave him. I don't think it is possible to build a better deck to counter Seism. But if anyone wants to prove me wrong, I'd be interested to see it.