Hey, uzra!
You know with this one thread you just doubled the amount of haters I have in this forum.

I'm flattered that you would ask my help but a PM would have probably been a better choice. With that title you are basically saying you want my help only, not others. There are many players here who have been playing much longer than me and probably have many great ideas.
I quickly browsed through this thread and there were some good ideas. Here are my thoughts on the subject.
How to beat Seism?Good question. First we should think about why we lose to Seism.
Why we lose to Seism?1. He destroys our Towers
2. He has the ability to push out multiple hard hitting 4+ HP characters and FAST
So basically he keeps us from getting quantum while at the same time keeps pounding us until we die.
How do we stop him from destroying our Towers?Protect Artifact. You have to have this card. Sure you can beat him without it, but if you want consistent results, you need to have Protect Artifatc.
How do we limit his damage?There are two ways. Either we get rid of his characters or we use shields.
How do we get rid of his characters?Otyugh is a natural choice for crowd control. Non-buffed Otyugh can eat 4 different kinds of characters Seism uses. However you need to get Otyugh in the table fast and he will get Rewinded. Anubis helps but is also very expensive to play.
What shield should I use?Gravity Shield would be PERFECT if not for those damn Time Dragons with 4HP. Think about it. If you had couple of Otyughs on the table, they would eat most of the smaller guys as soon as Seism plays them. And those bigger guys that Otyughs cannot eat, can't hit you because of Gravity Shield. Sure you can eat those Time Dragons but they still get a chance to hit you once for 13 HP which adds up pretty quickly.
Bone Wall is a hit and miss. Sometimes it's great, other times it sucks. Problem is that Seism has many characters who will run though that Bone Wall very fast unless you are able to make it bigger each turn. If you take control of the fighting grounds early on, Bone Wall is great. But if Seism has tons of burrowed characters, you are done.
One option is to steal his shield. This will help you stay alive a bit longer. Unfortunately Seism likes to use Protect Artifact on it.
My number one choice is Phase Shield. You will be invincible for 3 turns and there is nothing Seism can do about it. What makes is Phase Shield great is the fact that if you have Phase Shield on the whole time, you won't even need any crowd control.
What kind of deck is best against Seism?Most people seem to suggest rainbow decks. While rainbow is doing a pretty good job, it's way too unreliable imo. Seism is a tough guy to beat with a rainbow deck and players who say they can beat Seism almost every time with rainbow are frankly full of s***.

With what I said earlier in mind, I would say Gravity or Aether (with a hint of Earth) is the way to go, and This is what I came up with:
The ULTIMATE Anti-Seism Deck
Mark of
Yep, it's that simple. You don't need a complex rainbow deck with all kinds of card combinations. All you need is Protect Artifact, Phase Shield and Phase Dragon. Thunderbolt is optional and can be replaced with more Towers but it seems to work pretty well and gives this deck little variation.
This deck is strong against Seism because..
1. He cannot destroy your Towers.
2. He cannot hit you (Phase Shield)
3. He cannot target, and therefore Rewind, your characters.
This deck is played in 2 different phases.
1. Survival PhaseDuring early game, all you have to do is buy time. The key is to
survive as long as possible without using a Phase Shield. When you are 100% certain that you will die the next turn, then move to phase 2. You can use your math skills to calculate how much damage Seism can
potentially do the next turn. You see how much quantum and cards he has. And you know what kind of characters or weapons he can play. The rest is just math. If you draw Thunderbolts, use them to take out Shriekers or Time Dragons.
2. Phase Shield Phase (lolz)
Keep Phase Shield on you the whole time while your Dragons kill Seism. If you draw Thunderbolts, use them on Seism.
Here it is in action:

As you can see, I have only 2 HP left. Was I lucky? No. Last turn before I started using Phase Shields, I calculated that Seism can potentially get me to 2 HP (if he plays a Dragon) but there is NO WAY he can kill me. And this is exactly what happened

I tested this deck maybe 7-8 times and won every time. In one match I was pretty close to dying because I didn't draw any Shields but last lucky draw saved me, so this deck is not 100% but I would say it beats Seism easily at least 90% of time.
If you try this, let me know how it works.