I've had trouble designing a deck that was reliable against scorpio. The monoaether/SoW with purifies has the problem that it can deck out fairly easily if you don't draw your damage early enough. I've tried a bunch of other things as well, but scorpio has proven fairly difficult to find a good counter for. The purifies means a common deck like pdials is garbage. Scorpio's own poison means you'll need either purifies or healing if you want to stall. The octopus, ulitharid, and permafrost can mess with some creature based strategies like the infamous Swallow deck (based on otyugh/SOP), plus the fact that eating pufferfish is not good for otyughs, although that deck might have a decent win rate; I haven't tested it.
In any event, I built a deck for today's scorpio prediction that, while I've only played one game with it, I think has potential. (I'll let others look at it and decide if they can improve it or want to use it) I'll be using it next time I get scorpio, in any event.
The kill:
The deck:
6 purifies helps make sure the poison's effectiveness is low. The octopi and lances and auburns help control enemy creatures, and the diamond shield blocks the pufferfish, which is fairly important; the lances can also be used to freeze scorpio's weapons. (wardens or basilisk bloods or congeals can be used instead of auburns, and nymph's tears instead of queens, or even tears + a few earth towers to get auburns) Granite skins help get you more electrum as well as increase survivability. Shard of Patience keeps the army growing, so that you can either OTK past a permafrost, or if your creatures get frozen, you can sit there and build them up until scorpio runs out of CC. The poseidon keeps scorpio's quanta down; with his death mark, if you can keep his water quanta under control, there's not a lot he can do. I had a turn 2 poseidon and it just wrecked him. The one warning I will give is that if your creatures are really big, he could possibly kill you with a few sudden twin universes; in my game, he played one on a 49/50 octopus, but by then I had over 200hp so I didn't care. I also sat on my SoP until I'd drawn all 6 stoneskins for as much hp as possible (6th stoneskin was 60th card... grr...) but you have the option of either being *patient* (har har see what I did there) or just going for the kill as soon as you have it.
The deck would also largely work unupped and nymphless, with a few modifications. The queens can be swapped for nymph's tears easily, and might not be needed at all. The auburns, as I mentioned, have substitutes in the form of wardens, basilisk blood, congeal, or even just a couple earth towers for tears targets. I'd also add more quanta if it was run primarily unupped. The most important upgrade in the deck is the diamond shield, because it blocks the pufferfish, but you could get by without most of the rest, although the octopi help since you don't have to congeal as often with them, as it lasts 4 turns instead of 3. I'll probably tweak it a bit, maybe +1 poseidon -1 shield as the poseidon really helped, to try and draw it more, and the ice lances weren't really needed beyond the first few turns to kill early physalia/octopi.