Since the event drew an end for me I might as well post my feedback in order to improve things.
1.NT was overscored and led to some cookie cutter decks round after round but not sure if this came due to new patch being close to event or was intented.
2.Players inactivity was an issue and most of it had to do with the shortness of the rounds. 3 days midweek with player 6+times zones appart can be an issue. My opinion is make the rounds of such events last a week or 3 days in the weekend.
3.Score gain for default wins were not balanced. Higher ranked players have the luxury to play safe, other strategise so that they bring decks that dont take into account score, as a result in the winners there is a huge gap in score gained e.g. round 9 246k vs 29k round 8 317k vs 57k etc.When you are stuck in low positions and want to risk for a higher score opponent inactivity punishes you. My suggested solution is winning by default should score more than the average of the winners, exclude the scores of players that clearly were off the mean (event organizers call I suppose), or to make it simpler give 70-80% of the top scorer.
Thats all I can think that need improovement. Overall well designed, score gain increased by round smoothly and some tricky deckbuilding was required to get to higher multies. The delay in the event progression was not a problem as far as I am conserned. Really enjoyed this form of deckbuilding and definitely joining scorgasm 2