I think I understand what you're asking for in terms of a formal definition of a logarithm, other than the simple mathematical equation you mention, but I'm not sure exactly what that would be. I'd have to think on that and see if I come up with anything. Wikipedia says it is (if that helps any)
"Definition The logarithm of a positive real number x with respect to base b, a positive real number not equal to 1[nb 1], is the exponent by which b must be raised to yield x. In other words, the logarithm of x to base b is the solution y to the equation b^y = x"
If memory serves, 'e' was known at least back in Newton/Leibnitz' day. I'm not sure whether some concept of it was known in ancient times the way 'pi' was. Ancient peoples didn't formally know what pi was, but they did know that there was a number that let them figure out circle areas and perimeters, and not having any concept of irrational numbers, they tried to express it with fractions that were close, like 22/7; some cultures had better approximations than others.
I think that in the early days of calculus, 'e' was first found when people were looking at derivatives, and discovered that the exponential function e^x was its own derivative. (it is true that it is its own derivative, but I am not sure whether that's where they first found it) If you read about the natural logarithm, which is the logarithm with base e, that might help explain it better than I could.
1) I have seen a definition of this, and I know it works, but I can't do it off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure it was in my university calculus textbook. I'm pretty sure you need calculus to do it; I don't think algebra is enough. I think I recall the squeeze theorem being used to prove it, but that's about as far as my memory goes. I hate to say it, but I think it was almost 15 years ago that I saw this...
2) For the first part of this, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. You can use a formula for 'change of base' that will convert the logarithm from something weird (like base 7.43 log or pi/666 base log or whatever it is) into something that you can deal with on a calculator easily, like base 10 or base e, but I'm not sure how to explain it better than that, or if I'm even understanding the question. You still need logarithms to solve it, and if you mean 'calculate' to refer to doing it by hand as opposed to a log function on a calculator/computer, then I don't know the answer. I'm not sure how logarithms were calculated historically. I do know it was a giant pain in the ass, which is why they literally had tables and books full of logarithms to many decimal places back in the pre-computer days. (they had such things for trig functions and stuff like that as well) The book would have lookup tables and you'd go down lists of tables and find the one you wanted. They also used slide rules for doing it mechanically in an approximate manner if they didn't want to do it that way.
The series you are referring to is called the Taylor series. (you might also see the term Maclaurin series, which is one particular type of Taylor series) Being an infinite series, the more terms you add up, the closer you get to the actual result, but being infinite, it'll also literally take forever to get to the actual result

(without calculus, anyway)