Scaryness? AKA how is it calculated - formula?
The formula is in the Google Spreadsheet "KakerStats". You can visit it in the standings topic. The "Brainz"-tab calculates the scaryness in the colomns M to AH.
Basically, the formula works in 3 steps:
1: Get the scaryness for each round. This is done by this formula:
where X is the difference in ups and Y is the difference in score.
This results in a linear 3D plot, which means that every 6 ups is worth 1 win difference, if you are better than that, you gain scaryness, otherwise you lose some.
In the spreadsheet, it looks like this:
Spoiler for Ugly formula is pretty:
=IF(AB4="",,ARRAYFORMULA(sum(IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$F$7:$F$22,'Round Results'!$B$7:$B$22=$M4),0)-IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$C$7:$C$22,'Round Results'!$B$7:$B$22=$M4),0)+6*(IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$H$7:$H$22,'Round Results'!$B$7:$B$22=$M4),0)-IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$J$7:$J$22,'Round Results'!$B$7:$B$22=$M4),0))+IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$C$7:$C$22,'Round Results'!$E$7:$E$22=$M4),0)-IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$F$7:$F$22,'Round Results'!$E$7:$E$22=$M4),0)+6*(IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$J$7:$J$22,'Round Results'!$E$7:$E$22=$M4),0)-IFERROR(FILTER('Round Results'!$H$7:$H$22,'Round Results'!$E$7:$E$22=$M4),0)))))
2: Get the average scaryness for each player. Should explain itsself how it's calculated.
This average is used in step 3.
3: Weight the score of each round according to the total average of your opponent. Depending on your opponent, you can gain a multiplier between 0.5 and 1.5.
Formula simplified looks like this:
Sum[ (S-SMin)*((Avg - AvgMin)/AvgTot +0.5) + SMin] / #Rounds
a~nd I've just found an error in the calculation, didn't divide through #Rounds correctly (only through non zero scaryness rounds). *fixed. Sry Jen-I, you aren't at the Top of the Scaryness anymore, still very high though.I'll explain this formula more in detail:
S is the Scaryness of the Player; SMin is the minimum of all players (it's negative, but works also when it's positive).
(S-Smin) makes the scaryness range from 0 to somewhere. With this, the multiplier can be applied correctly. (if the scaryness were be negative, a multiplier of 0.5 would actually be good)
Avg is the average Scaryness of your opponent. AvgMin is the lowes average Scaryness of all players. AvgTot is (AvgMax-AvgMin), so the distance between the highest and lowest Avg Scaryness.
(Avg-AvgMin)/AvgTot This gives a range between 0 and 1, depending on how the average scaryness of your opponent is. If he has the highest scaryness, it's 1.
Adding 0.5 gives a range between 0.5 to 1.5.
Adding SMin in the end will return the scaryness to its original position.
This will be summed up over each round and the according opponent.
Finally, I divided it through the ammount of played rounds, so the scaryness score won't just increase with each round but stay in average about the same.
Spoiler for Ugly formula is pretty: