MATCHESJen-i (18) vs
mrpaper (16)
Matches are best-of-five. The first player who wins 3 individual duels, wins the match.- Players have (more than) 6 days to make the fight happen. They must contact their opponent using a PM, and try to find a time that suits both.
- If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose by default, unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time.
- You may only use cards from your Vault, in addition to Pillars, Pendulums, and Mark Cards. You may use any mark.
- The number after your name represents the number of upgrades you may use. These upgrades apply to every deck you play this round.
- You may change your deck during the match. If the match lasts 5 games, you are allowed to use up to 5 different decks, as long as they are all legal.
After duels, all players must submit their results and decks to this thread.
If you see anything that you think may be a mistake, send me a private message immediately.
SACRIFICESThe image below shows the sacrifices of every player, in addition to the seeds used for determining opponents.
Click here for the vaults.Click here for the standings.Click here for the full rules.Round 7 has ended.