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Early Diss Shield tied RR down rather than it helped him, I evolved my Graboids and simply outrushed him, he played an Antimatter on a Shrieker last turn but to no avail.
Pretty even throughout the match, but Drain Life allowed me to lower his HP far enough, so I stole his Diss Shield a first time and did some damage without evolving, stole it again next turn, evolved the Graboids, played 4 Gargoyles and brought him to zero HP.
I thought I couldn't really lose this but suddenly BE shows up and my Vagger's gone, leisurely chatting with a client at work, I'm smart enough to play a second Vagger which of course was gone instantly and just when I got into Drain Life territory, he plays Reflect Shield and I can't get to OTK distance any more without getting mass-Antimattered, missing the damage of my weapon.
W (subbed by Calindu) - Upgraded 2 Graboids
Win toss, play Vagger and Lycan first turn, manage to get Cal slightly below 65HP which looks good but my Lycan's AM'd and slowly heals him by 1HP/turn again while my Graboids are blocked by Diss Shield. Again, right when I want to lower his HP further with DL, Calindu plays Reflect Shield, but now the Graboids outdamage the Lycan healing so he needs to play Diss Shield again, I can play DL, steal Diss again, play all my Gargoyles + Vagger and manage to win 3 cards before deckout.
Good games RavingRabbid and Calindu, sad to see you go.