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5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5v0 5v0 6rd 6rd 6rd 6rd 6rd 6rd 7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 7t4 7t9 7tb 7tb 7tf 8pp
Game 1
Won toss, lone Mark draw into a bunch of Devs. The huge amount of starting pends made me think of Ghostmare or something, but... Wasted Time? Definitely not expected. Trolled Voids with 2 early Steals.
Game 2
Pretty comparable to game 1, except Annele had less quanta and more Voids early. The Hourglass shown was Annele's final topdeck. Had no second SoPa when Dial chain started, so I kept Dolls I drew unplayed.
Game 3
Lost toss, no early Devs, only a lone Gargoyle as a creature. Was trying to pressure Annele into playing Dials early, but it was in vain. Drawing a Voodoo Doll at any point after Annele played Vampire Dagger could have won me the game.
Game 4
Won toss with Lone Mark draw like games 1 and 2. There were 4 Devs in starting hand which gave me a wicked grin. To counter that, Annele drew a whopping... one pendulum. That alone pretty much won me the game, but I stole a topdecked Pend just in case.