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Dis match.
Scrapped together Ghetto-Swallow vs full on Freedom Rush.
rogerluc is a brilliant guy, and a father of a 3 DAY old, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing against him.
Game 1: Really good draw for both of us, I managed to Pulverise his Sofree, Swallow 2 Wyrms and a Dragon, and win. I knew this would be tough.
Game 2: Similar to game 1 but much, much closer. I was at 6hp for 2 turns in which he didn't topdeck damage, and won. Can this really happen??!
Game 3: No.
Game 4: 1 pillar, 1 pend, no earth quanta.
Game 5: 1 pillar, 1 pend, no earth quanta. RIP Team Water.
Great games, and we are both celebrating. I just got engaged, he just became a father.
Oh, and I was subject to the best game delay ever:
[18:14:14] rogerluc [ยป] JonathanCrazyJ: ARF my baby just wake up