Good game napalm, you fought the best you could. RNG took it out of our hands, not Sevs playing. This was a fine deck from UW, but still RNG controls more fate. And frankly it really pisses me off that sevs is acting like it was all him.
I would say you probably brought a ~B game B+ would have done it
This is the comment of an ass. Napalm played the game as well as she could. These were not misplays that gave sevs the match, it was luck. If he doesn't draw the 2nd shrieker, doesn't top deck the pande, the pande doesn't kill 6/8 phoenixes and TU the living ones, then we would be talking about how napalm is still undefeated. Get off your high horse, you fought well enough for the win, but stop acting like Napalm didn't.
I'm sorry for the rage, but sevs comments have just pissed me off. I mean nothing against sevs as a player or person, or to anyone else on UW for that matter, but please acknowledge when luck beats skill, and not just in the after comments.