Wow, did Fire just throw a Scrap deck at an element which had 50something cards to make a good deck. Bad planning IMO.
This seems to be quite the disrespectful comment. I'm sure they did not plan on making a losing deck. This certainly was not a suicide deck, anyway. They were obviously constrained by the availability of cards in the vault, which (as I pointed out in my initial comment in this thread) left them with 5 x30-card decks with only 5 cards to spare. That is not a great position to be in when facing a team with 23 extra cards to play with.
For our part, we made a couple of guesses here about what team

would expect and decided to steer clear of those expectations as much as possible. If they built a counter to something we didn't play, we figured this would be good for us. A flying arsenic deck was something we'd played recently with success, so it was reasonable to think we'd play another one. We also gambled they would think we were out of fractals, but packed bonewall just in case RoF showed up.
Anyway, I chalk this win as much up to circumstance as deckbuilding, player skill and, of course, RNG goodness. No need to kick a team/player when they're down in my opinion.