that.... omg, ggs but sorry, should i get one topdeck this war i wanna cry...
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game 1: won toss, 3rd turn nymph too late plus direct 2 shock kill, mega healing from 2 adrena staffs --> loss
game 2: loosing toss, but faster quanta, turn 2 nymph, got killed by 2 shocks, second tear in hand, only 1 adrena staff not enough for him --> win
game 3: winning toss, 2nd turn nymph and NO 2shocks in hand, but all 5 tears showing up, no more quanta, time for him to get out 3 adrena staffs --> loss
game 4: loosing toss, 6 quanta and one tear, no shock wow... but perfect draw with 2 adrena staffs healing, he had last turn with 2hp left... dessi 1 turn to late --> ggs