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Must slow heartbeat. Synopsis later. RNG screwed

the last three games.
Ok, I'm gonna go ahead and take you through my thoughts on this match step by step. During testing we figured that one of three things would happen. Either (1) They would bring a PU-ish Grabow again (2) They would bring Fractix due to the speed of it or (3) They would bring a Mono Aether with 24 upgrades. Of the three, the last option was the scariest, but we figured also the least likely due to having to field four decks.
Mithcairion: "Ok, let's see what all these different teams chose for event cards. United We Stand, United We Stand, oh crap, Aether chose Victory to the Pure." At that point I hoped that they would bring it vs. either Death or Time. Waiting for the match, I see an

mark. Crap, this could be very, very bad.
Game 1: 4-5 upped quanta sources made it o that he started pumping out his Elite Phase Dragons and Dimensional Shields fast. I was able to do some good damage to him, Deflagged a couple of shields, but ultimately wasn't able to pull that 3rd Deflag that I needed to win. 0-1
Game 2: 1 Pend start on my part. Yeah, no what I needed. I also saw a Phase Recluse in this game. At this point, I was very discouraged and disheartened. I knew he had the better overall deck and my only shot was very good luck on my part coupled with some bad to very bad luck on his. This game was over very fast. 0-2
Game 3: 1 Pillar start on his part, which was exactly what I needed. My creatures were slow to come to me, and a Golem got double 'bolted along the way, so despite the bad start on mrpaper's part it was still a relatively close game. Even still, it's very hard to come back from a 1 Pillar/Pend start when the opponent doesn't mirror the bad start. He played a Phase Recluse and PU'D it, and I promptly Rage Potted both, leading Higs to say in chat "We have the Immortal creatures, no need to bring CC against us" (or something very close to it). That pretty much finished off what chance he would have had. 1-2
Game 4: 4 Pend start on my side, but mrpaper cleared his hand of all quanta sources. This turned out to be both a blessing and a curse for him, as he was able to draw only a single Phase Recluse and Elite Phase Dragon, and the Recluse got immediately Rage Pot-ed. I was able to play enough creatures and Deflag enough shields to get this win in fairly convincing fashion. Which, between these two decks, means I won with about 40 HP left. 2-2
Epic Game 5: At this point, the RNG truly abandoned mrpaper and had I been spectating the match, rather than playing against him, I would've almost felt bad. He had a great quanta start. I had 3 pends in my hand and had this exchange in Earth chat:
Mithcairion: Need to draw an earth pend
Mithcairion: Now I need a Rage Pot or two
Mithcairion: Got one Mithcairion: Now I need creatures. Send me creatures
kirchj33: here ya go
kirchj33: *creatures*
Mithcairion: Specifically a Golem this time
I quite literally drew what I needed as I called for it, down to getting two Rage Potions back-to-back and drawing a Steel Golem when I needed it. Had mrpaper's luck been better there would've been a lot more he could have done about it, but unfortunately for him his creatures abandoned him at a very bad time.
mrpaper was a classy guy the whole way through, right down to waiting for my crazy family to settle down so we could play our match. Cheers, mate, and that was tough luck.
To my teammates: Hell yeah, guys! This is my Pulvy....