4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vd 4vl 4vl 55v 593 593 5c1 5f6 5fa 5og 5oj 5rk 5um 5um 5um 5up 621 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 7k2 80i
Pregame 1: I threw a 3rd turn discord, devourer, had an EQ in hand. Looked like I was getting an early soft lock.... dy-sync...
Pregame 2: Gyro plopped 5 wind pillars and an owl's eye. I quinted a Forest Spirit and EQed once.... dy-sync....
Game 1: Completed a game finally. Fairly close, He built up 6 wind pillars right way, I had to discard my demon due to slow start, my discord got deflaged, put two devourers into the ground, had two Unstable Gases explode in my face, I deflaged the 3rd one, just to be safe. Summoned a quinted golem and a fog shield for defense against his flying Owl's Eye and one in slot. Built up the golem, miracle to be save. Win.
Game 2: Very far from close. Discord + EQ + Devourers = **Lock-down** most of the game. Had two of my supernovas in hand to make it run that much faster. Pumped a forest spirit for the win.