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We hoped to take Earth by surprise with Ghostal, but when the gravy mark showed up, I knew it was a done deal. To rub salt in the wound, Pulvy showed up on the first opportunity every game.
First game--I had 4 Dim Shields and a Fractal in my starting hand. No quanta and no chance.
Second game--I got a bunch of my perms and made him choose which to pop which kept my dim shields around for a while. I managed to fractal some dragons, but his Fog Shield stopped enough of them to keep him alive. He popped my Dim Shield, but did not quite kill me. I had another, but a bolt sealed my fate. Even so, his pillars generated a gravy, so he could have popped my shield anyway.
Third game--I had a ton of quanta and he did not get his quantum pillars, so I managed to keep my health up with dim shields. I finally drew my Fractal at the end of the game, but it was a few turns too late.
Nice playing, kirch, and a bad choice of decks for us.