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52h 52h 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52r 52r 52r 542 542 542 542 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 61r 61r 61r 61r 63a 63a 63a 63a 8pk
Game 1: LOSS.
Avenger got 3 novas or maybe 4 and played a bunch of stuff. I had 2 bone walls and a poison but then not much came for me. An early stiletto for him negated any chance of poison damage I had, and my arsenic came WAY too late. I played it knowing he probably had a deflag ready, I was just hoping to draw my other one. And fog shield. I had a 60% chance of taking it at the end with a flurry of lightnings and 10 poison damage, all my bone dragon had to do is smell the blood of avenger through the fog. Bone dragon didn't feel like being much of a hero, and fog took the game.
Game 2: WIN.
Avenger again got 3 novas or something similarly fortuitous, but I had a death pend in hand which is pretty helpful. No sign of any death cards except a bone wall in hand. I slowly draw my poisons at a slow to medium pace. Grabbies start littering the field, I have two bone walls ready but I hold off. I was hoping he would take the bait and unburrow when I was almost in killing range. His hand was pretty shallow so I didn't think he had a momentum yet. I play my bone dragon before my bone wall, I thought he would take out his CC (if any) by this game, since I barely played a creature last round. Anyway it comes down to bone dragon versus fog shield AGAIN (avenger only had 40 damage on the field and I had 42 hp, not sure if he could draw into his stiletto or maybe another grabby) and my bone dragon smells blood this time. 1-1.
Game 3: WIN.
Very good draw on my end, only one nova for him. No other way for this game to go. I had two arsenics in hand so even if he managed a second nova + deflag (which he did), I can just play another. Arsenic got through fog shield 5 times in a row or something, which I'm grateful for.
ggs, avenger. You almost took this 2-0, I got a good draw on game 3 and chanced through the fog on game 2.
Oh forgot to mention, took out 4 PUs and a pillar. Those were mainly for if I ran into the Immortal.