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Game 1: Lose
3 pillars start, how nice. "Go immo topdeck"? Oh, immorush. He dumped his hand in first turn. FOrest Spirit, Lycan, few Photons and Ash Eater. Graboid following next turn. And where's my firepower? No
, no Fractal. gg.
Game 2: Win
Little creature rush, he said. Got quick Golem, as it seems. All fall to Lightning. 2 Dragons chipping away his HP. gg.
Game 3: Lose
Okay, that was a blunder to reveal all my winning hand. Shouldn't have done that, he could read my deck. Anyway, this hand sucks. Only 2 pillars start and high cost creatures. And you see, he got out Lycan and Golem in first turn. As for me? Stuck on the other side while his Golem and another one chip my HP away. CC both, still have one. gg.